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581 bytes added, 09:31, 3 June 2010
Lore - Category:Lore
** [[:Category:Sentient beings]] - Root category for all sentient thingsentities and their groupings.
*** [[:Category:Races]] - Listing the different sorts of races inhabiting the Diablo universe.
**** [[:Category:Angels]] - All topics relating to angels.
**** [[:Category:Humans]] - Topics relating to humans in particular. Not a group cat for all humans.
***** [[:Category:Human characters]] - List of all human characters. (*)
*** [[:Category:Factions]] - All types of factions in [[Sanctuary]] and beyond.
**** [[:Category:Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye]] - The [[Rogue]] faction.
*** [[:Category:Religions]] - Religions, congregations and sects.
**** [[:Category:Religious terms]] - Terms used in religions.
*** [[:Category:Mage clans]] - The mage clans of [[Kehjistan]].
**** [[:Category:Vizjerei]] - A highly disciplined mage clan, once corrupted by [[Horazon]].
**** [[:Category:Yshari]] - The council of [[mage clan]]s.
**** [[:Category:Zann Esu]] - A woman-only mage clan, specializing in [[Elemental magic]].
*** [[:Category:Ethnic groups]] - The people of Sanctuary and related worlds.
**** [[:Category:Umbaru]] - Jungle race on the eastern continent.
*** [[:Category:Factions]] - All types of factions in [[Sanctuary]] and beyond. All articles go here, but categories go in sub-levels. **** [[:Category:Religious groups]] - Religions, congregations and sects.***** <!s>[[:Category:Religious terms]] -Terms used in religions.</s> Obsolete?***** [[:Category:Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye]] - No needed?The [[Rogue]] faction. (*)**** [[:Category:Mage clans]] - The mage clans of [[Kehjistan]].***** [[:Category:Vizjerei]] - A highly disciplined mage clan, once corrupted by [[Horazon]]. (*)***** [[:Category:Yshari]] - The council of [[mage clan]]s. (*)***** [[:Category:Zann Esu]] - A woman-only mage clan, specializing in [[Elemental magic]]. (*)**** [[:Category:Ethnic groups]] - The people of Sanctuary and related worlds.***** [[:Category:Umbaru]] - Jungle race on the eastern continent. (*)**** [[:Category:Other Paramilitary groups]] - Other factionsGroups which have some sort of military branch, too small to have but it isn't their own categoryonly purpose.***** [[:Category:Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye]] - The [[Rogue]] faction.(*)**** [[:Category:Military groups]] -Groups which ARE a military organization. Often a smaller part of a paramilitary group. Combat is the sole purpose.**** [[:Category:Magocratic groups]] ->Groups having [[magic]] as their primary goal or way of organising themselves.**** [[:Category:Other groups]] - Other factions, in need of proper categorization.