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44 bytes added, 18:51, 13 April 2010
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**'''''Lore''': Through sheer force of will, an alchemist can manifest the higher realm onto the world. The rift to this realm pulls all nearby foes towards it, culminating in an explosion of righteous light that punishes all within it for their sinful deeds.''
* '''Chaos''' - Active Skill. Enemies within field lose special abilities, magic resistance, and are silencedsuffer resource burn (slowly lose mana/fury/instability).
**'''''Lore''': In his innate understanding of existence, an alchemist can send the natural laws of the world in to chaos. Without the guidance of the laws, chaos completely disrupts enemies' inherent abilities. The chaos can even sever an enemy's ties to the natural fields of the world, draining its mana reserves and leaving it vulnerable to magical damage.''