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Peter Lee

346 bytes removed, 23:02, 6 February 2010
Diablo 3 Gallery
==Diablo 3 Gallery==
Peter is responsible for numerous pieces of landscape art and other concept art in Diablo III. His work can be found all through the artwork gallery, especially in the [ Environmental Art] section. A few samples:* [ New Tristram].* Images signed by him are tagged with his artist name, and can all be seen in [http://wwwdiablo.diiiincgamers.netcom/gallery/showphotosearch.php?photokeywords=635 Caldeum concept art].* [ Alleyway in an unknown city].* [ one handy search gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1516&cat=547 The island of Skovos].* [ Crater with a mage].* [ Creepy Tristram monastery].
[[Image:Skovos1.jpg|center|frame|The island of [[Skovos]].]]