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17 bytes removed, 17:05, 5 February 2010
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==Duelling is not PK==
Dueling is not the same thing as [[Player Kill|ing, since PKing is about sneak attacks and non-consensual [[PvP]].
Regular [[PvP]] players generally adhere to a list of (informal, largely unwritten) rules. These are generally lists of banned practices, or buggy items that must not be used since they convey an unfair or unbeatable advantage. What is on and off this ever-changing list is not known to outsiders. It's therefore a good idea to read some duelling forums or talk to other players before a fight, to be sure of the ground rules.
Generally speaking, drinking [[potion]]s or using [[shrine]]s is not allowed, and there were eventually limits placed on the amount . Originally people used a lot of absorption and damage reduction gear , but that could be used at one timeis now often limited.
Most serious duellers in ''[[Diablo II]]'' kept several sets of spare equipment in their stash, and could change into different outfits depending on the [[class]] and [[build]] of the character they were duelling.