From Diablo Wiki
* '''B.net''' or /'''Bnet''' - [[Battle.net]]. Blizzard's game server for Diablo II. {{D2}}
* '''B/O''' - Best Offer. Used in trading items. Also Battle Orders a Barbarian skill. {{D3}}
* '''BA''' - {{iw|Bone_Armor Bone Armor }} (necromancer {{iw|Necromancer Necro}} skill){{d2}}* '''BA''' - {{iw|Blessed_Aim Blessed Aim }} (paladin {{iw|Paladin Paladin}} skill){{d2}}* '''Baba''' or /'''Barb''' - [[Barbarian]].{{d2}} {{d3}}* '''Bane''' - {{iw|Gladiator's_Bane Gladiator's Bane }} Elite Unique Wire Fleece. {{d2}}* '''Baranar's''' (/'''Banana) ''' - {{iw|Baranar's_Star Baranar's Star }} Elite Unique Devil Star.{{d2}}* '''Bartuc's''' (/'''Barts) ''' - {{iw|Bartuc's_Cut- Throat Bartuc's Cut-Throat }} Unique Greater Talons.* '''Basher''' - {{iw|The_Cranium_Basher The Cranium Basher }} Elite Unique Thunder Maul
* '''BBL''' - Be Back Later
* '''BBS''' - Be back soon
* '''BC ('''/'''BCom)''' - {{iw|Battle_Command Battle Command}}. A {{iw|Barbarian Barbarian}} warcry to increase skill levels.{{d2}}* '''BC (/BCry)''' - {{iw|Battle_Cry Battle Cry}}. A {{iw|Barbarian Barbarian}} warcry to decrease an enemy's damage and defense. {{d2}}* '''BF (/BFury)''' - {{iw|Blade_Fury Blade Fury}}. An {{iw|Assassin Assassin}} Trap Tree skill.{{d2}}* '''BF''' - {{iw|Bloody_Foothills Bloody Foothills}} ''[[Diablo II]]'' [[level]]. {{d2}}* '''BG''' - {{iw|Blood_Golem Blood Golem}}. {{d2}}* '''BH''' - {{iw|Blessed_Hammer Blessed Hammer }} (paladin {{iw|Paladin Paladin}} skill). {{d2}}* '''Big D/Big Red''' - [[Diablo]] (the boss monster himselfbig [[Prime Evil]] in person).)
* '''BIN''' - Buy it now. A fixed price, no negotiation.
* '''BK''' - Bul-Kathos (unique ring/barbarian set). {{d2}}
* '''Blk''' - Block.
* '''bm''' - Bad manners. Indicating a [[PvP]] ruleset.
* '''BO''' - {{iw|Battle_Orders Battle Orders}}, a {{iw|Barbarian Barbarian}} skill.* '''[[BoE]]''' - [[Bind on Equip]]. Items that can not be removed without being destroyed once they are equipped. Only in ''[[Diablo III]]''. {{d3}}* '''BoI''' - {{iw|Blades_of_Ice Blades of Ice}}, an {{iw|Assassin Assassin}} skill.{{d2}}* '''Boost''' - [[Rush]], [[turbo]]. To pave the way for a new player, so he can defeat all [[act bosses boss]]es without actually doing anything himself.* '''[[BoP]]''' - [[Bind on Pick-up]]. Items that can not be dropped or traded once they are picked up. [[Quest]] items only, in ''[[Diablo 3]]''.{{d3}}* '''BoS''' - {{iw|Burst_of_Speed Burst of Speed}}, an {{iw|Assassin Assassin}} skill. {{d2}}* '''BotD''' - {{iw|Breath_of_the_Dying Breath of the Dying}}. A v1.10 {{iw|Runeword Runeword}}.{{d2}}* '''BM''' - the [[Barbarian]]'s [[Battlemaster Skill Tree]], or a Barbarian who specializes in that tree.{{d3}}* '''Bp''' - [[Breakpoint]]. A general mark at which something improvesfurther than before.* '''BP''' - {{iw|Bone_Prison Bone Prison }} (necromancer {{iw|Necromancer Necromancer}} skill). {{d2}}
* '''Brb''' - Be right back.
* '''Brt''' - Be right there.
* '''BS (/BSentinel)''' - {{iw|Blade_Sentinel Blade Sentinel}}. an An {{iw|Assassin Assassin }} skill on the Trap tree.{{d2}}* '''BS (/BShield)''' - {{iw|Blade_Shield Blade Shield}}. an {{iw|Assassin Assassin }} skill on the Trap tree.{{d2}}* '''BS (/BSpear)''' - {{iw|Bone_Spear Bone Spear}}. A {{iw|Necromancer Necromancer }} attack skill.{{d2}}* '''BS (/Bspirit)''' - {{iw|Bone_Spirit Bone Spirit}}. A {{iw|Necromancer Necromancer }} attack skill.{{d2}}* '''B-Star''' - {{iw|Barnard's_Star Barnard's star Star}} (unique mace).{{d2}}
* '''Btc''' - Back to channel.
* '''BTS''' - [[Blizzard Entertainment|Blizzard]] Technical Support.* '''btwBTW''' - By the way.* '''Burrito (/Buriza)''' - {{iw|Buriza-Do_Kyanon Buriza-Do Kyanon }} Exceptional Unique Ballista.{{d2}}* '''BvB''' - [[Barbarian Versus ]] versus Barbarian Dueling[[duel]]ing.* '''BvC''' - [[Barbarian ]] v [[Caster ]] (pvp[[PvP]]).* '''BW''' - {{iw|Bone_Wall Bone Wall}}. A {{iw|Necromancer Necromancer }} skill on the Poison and Bone tree.