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236 bytes added, 14:27, 30 October 2009
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Lilith is a manipulator and seductress, attractive even in her demonic form. She has always aimed to receive affection from powerful beings, using them as pawns to further her own goals. Such examples include [[Inarius]] and [[Uldyssian]].
===Sanctuary and Nephalem==
She was part of the rogue [[demon]]s and [[angel]]s who created [[Sanctuary]]. Her mating with Inarius resulted in the [[Nephalem]] cross between angel and demonkind, a very powerful race of beings who later became the dominant race on Sanctuary, the humans.
However, she desired to use these powerful Nephalem as an army to take on both the [[Burning Hells]] as well as the [[High Heavens]] and with that came into conflict with Inarius who wanted to undo their creation. Lilith prevented this by killing many of the rogue demons and angels, but ended with her being banished from Sanctuary.
 ===The Sin War===Lilith later returned[]and tried once more to use the Nephalem against her percieved opponents, weakening the [[Worldstone]] (that prevents Nephalem from developing their powers) and helped awaken Uldyssian.    