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Diablo vs WoW controversy

5 bytes added, 08:32, 18 September 2009
* Diablo- Isometric camera
** WoW- First personish to third person free floating camera.* Diablo- A focus of on one against many, with one on one challenges.** WoW- A focus of on one on one, with one against many challenges.
* Diablo- Completable with a single player, giving the feeling that it is you against the world.
** WoW- Group/Raid only content, gives the feeling that you are taking part in a war.
* Diablo- Crazed hack and slash awesomenessFast paced, often blurred combat.** WoW- Slower , more focused combat.
* Diablo- Wide variety of epic skills, lets the player choose how they fight and makes them feel legendary.
** WoW- Smaller more specialized skill set, allows the player to efficiently complete their role.
* Diablo - point and cast/perform action (ideal with an isometric view)
** WoW - select and switch through targets and cast/perform action (at least for most damage spells, except [[AoE]])