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79 bytes added, 13:28, 15 September 2009
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[[Image:Mon-siegebreaker1.jpg|thumb|400px|The Siegebreaker eyes his next victim.]]'''Monsters''' are one of the main attractions in [[Diablo III]], or at least the opportunity to kill them is. See the [[:Category:Monsters|Monsters Category]] for a listing of all the known monsters in ''Diablo III''. There is also a brief list below. In addition to monsters, there is more of the basic Diablo III information available in the [[Diablo 3 Basics]] article.
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[[Image:Mon-siegebreaker1.jpg|thumb|left|150px|The [[Siegebreaker Assault Beast|Siegebreaker]] eyes his next victim.]]
The D3 team has created a huge variety of monsters for our slaughtering pleasure, and the denizens of the underworld are customized, personalized, and quite versatile. Bosses have been greatly upgraded in appearance and size, and the AI has been improved as well.
As the [[D3 Team]] describes it, the monsters and characters evolve at the same time, feeding off of each other. Jay Wilson described this process in a December 2008 interview.[]
 {{clear-left}}::"...the monster design. As we get further and further into the game, our goal is to make monsters that we can't figure out how the player can defeat [with the existing skills] and give the player the tools they need to defeat them. So the design of the monsters has a direct relationship to the design of the classes. That's kind of an ongoing thing; we [decide] "Let's create a monster that has really debilitating rooting attacks that just get you stuck when you encounter them." Then we see that this really screws with the Barbarian, so we give him a skill that lets him break out of roots so that he can counter that. Those things are interesting and allow for the player to have a broader, deeper character. On the other hand, we don't want to go too far -- a lot of mechanics of ''World of WarCraft'' are based heavily on control, and we want to make sure that Diablo 3 stays mostly a combat game based mostly on attacks.