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No change in size, 18:46, 24 August 2009
''Whirlwind'' was revealed in Blizzard's [[WWI 2008| World Wide Invitational]] in Paris, along with the announcement of Diablo 3. It is pretty much identical to the Diablo 2 Whirlwind, except requiring fury to use.
During the BlizzCon's 2009 Diablo 3 panel, the development team showed off visual changes to the skill. With the creation of the [[Dune Desert Dervish]], who also had whirlwind, the development team found out that the Dune Dervish's whirlwind is much better looking than the Barbarian's. The team showed off the new Whirlwind for the Barbarian, with a demonstration of him slaughtering multiple farm animals with it (Secret Cow Level?). The new Whirlwind is much more intense and as the barbarian spins, dust and sand is seen being around him, also, the whirlwind seems more vicious, giving a feeling of "weight of the weapon + the speed of spinning = very hard hits" to the player.  