BlizzCon 2010 Panels

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The full listing of panels for Blizzcon 2010, as posted on [1]

Diablo III Panels

Diablo III Gameplay
Friday 12pm, Main Stage
What’s in store next for the heroes of Sanctuary? Learn about the latest game developments in this don’t-miss panel for Diablo players.

This info-rich panel covered the Demon Hunter, Battle Arenas, and much more. See a full transcript with numerous screenshots here.

Diablo III: Crafting Sanctuary
Saturday 10:30am, Developer Panel Stage
The designers, artists, programmers, and writers share new information on the characters, creatures, game systems, and story of Diablo III.

This excellent panel covered the development of the game world, levels, quests, plot, monsters, NPCs, skills, and many more features of the game. See a summary and numerous screenshots here:

Diablo III Open Q&A
Saturday 3pm, Main Stage
Got a burning question about the Burning Hells? The development team dedicates an hour to audience questions about the story, design, art, sound, and gameplay of Diablo III.

This open Q&A put the developers on the stage and lots of fans in the audience. As usual, it was mostly filled with "noob" questions covering old info, but there were some new tidbits to enjoy. A rough transcript of the "new" information questions can be seen here:

Starcraft II Panels

StarCraft II Art
Saturday 12pm, Developer Panel Stage
Get a look at the tools used to create the art of StarCraft II, and find out how our artists develop the unique visual identity of the StarCraft universe. You'll see a range of epic artwork created for the game in this panel.

StarCraft II Custom Maps and Editor
Friday 3pm, Main Stage
Dive in with the designers of the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty campaign and learn more about the creation of custom maps using the powerful StarCraft II Editor.

StarCraft II Multiplayer
Saturday 1:30pm, Developer Panel Stage
Interested in the science behind the thrill of competitive gameplay? The StarCraft II developers give you a behind-the-scenes look at data collected from multiplayer matches, leagues, and ladders, and explain how it all comes together in the art of balancing races and units.

StarCraft II Secrets of the Masters
Friday 1:30pm, Developer Panel Stage
Hear strategies and advice for players of all skill levels, find out how to move up the competitive ladder, and learn more about the nuances of resource management.

StarCraft II Story Q&A
Friday 4:30pm, Developer Panel Stage
Finished the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty campaign and still have unanswered questions? Sit down with some of the storytellers who crafted the epic saga to learn more about the lore.

World of Warcraft Panels

World of Warcraft Art
Saturday 3pm, Developer Panel Stage
See how the art team shapes Azeroth—and how they're continuing to shake things up in the wake of Cataclysm.

World of Warcraft Class Q&A
Saturday 12pm, Main Stage
Always an audience favorite, the class panel gives insight into the intricate workings and delicate balancing act of class design.

World of Warcraft Dungeons & Raids
Friday 1:30pm, Main Stage
World of Warcraft's raid and dungeon designers discuss how the game's most epic PvE encounters are crafted.

World of Warcraft Live Raid
Friday 4:30pm, Main Stage
Witness the thrill of victory and the agony of the wipe as one of the world's leading raiding guilds takes on a series of intense boss encounters live on stage.

World of Warcraft Open Q&A
Saturday 1:30pm, Main Stage
The creators of World of Warcraft dedicate an hour to answering BlizzCon audience questions about game design, lore, murlocs, and more.

World of Warcraft Quests and Lore
Friday 3pm, Developer Panel Stage
Embark on an epic journey with World of Warcraft quest designers and lorekeepers as they discuss the art of quest flow, the secrets of storytelling through gameplay, and much more.

Blizzard Entertainment Panels

Blizzard Cinematics: Cataclysm
Saturday 10:30am, Main Stage
Blizzard's cinematic artists and storytellers give you a behind-the-scenes tour of the creative process that drives World of Warcraft: Cataclysm's epic cinematics.

Blizzard Cinematics: StarCraft II
Friday 12pm, Developer Panel Stage
Take an in-depth look at how the immersive in-game cut-scenes and pre-rendered cinematics for StarCraft II are created.

Blizzard Sound
Saturday 4:30pm, Developer Panel Stage
It's all ears on Blizzard Entertainment sound and music! Join us for a discussion on how topnotch voice acting, dramatic orchestral scores, and striking sound effects are used to make Blizzard's games even more epic.