Battle Cry

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Battle Cry is a tier I skill in the Battlemaster Skill Tree, which increases the armor of the Barbarian and his allies.

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Battle Cry is an archived article about material previously included in Diablo 3. However, it has been removed or the article contains outdated facts. The information is stored in Diablo Wiki for posterity. Please note: Links in this article lead to both updated and archived material.

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Diablo III Skill [e]
Battle Cry

Active, 5 ranks

Used by: Barbarian
Skill Description:
A battle cry that increases the armor of the barbarian and all nearby party members by X%. lasts for Y seconds
Skill Details:
Type: Buff
Quantity: Cast
Effect: Party
School: Physical
Fury cost: Unknown
Cast time: None
Duration: None
Cooldown: None
Synergies: None
Requires: N/A
Prereq of: N/A

The Barbarian cries out his battle cry, empowering himself and his allies to face the current threat.

Skill Design

Battle Cry is essentially "Shout" from Diablo 2, it is a warcry meant to buff The Barbarian and his allies, and at higher ranks will double the armor rating of anyone affected, making this skill useful in all situations. It is assumed it will cost 1 Fury orb.

Skill Rank Table

(legend (A) = Assumed)

  • Rank: 1/5
    • A battle cry that increases the armor of the barbarian and all nearby party members by 100%. The bonus lasts for 60 seconds.
    • Fury Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 2/5
    • A battle cry that increases the armor of the barbarian and all nearby party members by 125%. The bonus lasts for 60 seconds.
    • Fury Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 3/5
    • A battle cry that increases the armor of the barbarian and all nearby party members by 150%. The bonus lasts for 60 seconds. (A)
    • Fury Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 4/5
    • A battle cry that increases the armor of the barbarian and all nearby party members by 175%. The bonus lasts for 60 seconds. (A)
    • Fury Cost: Unknown
  • Rank: 5/5
    • A battle cry that increases the armor of the barbarian and all nearby party members by 200%. The bonus lasts for 60 seconds. (A)
    • Fury Cost: Unknown


  • None known.

Skill Rune Effects

  • None known.


Battle Cry was seen in every Diablo 3 game demo to date, and was balanced and moved, judging from the latest demo. The old Battle Cry would give 80% armor increase at rank one and was in Tier II of the Battlemaster tree.


You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery:

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