User talk:Flux

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Revision as of 10:32, 5 April 2009 by Flux (talk | contribs) (Answer)
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Hello! =)

I just wanted to make a comment here, so your talk page doesn't appear red in the "recent changes" page ;) If you want to make a reply, make sure to sign your comments (if you need help with that: Help:Talk) --Leord 17:22, 23 October 2008 (CEST)

What's 3 "M"s????

So... What's with the extra "M" you added onto the "MMORPG" article??? --belushi81x 17:05, 25 Dec 2008 (CEST)

He apparently saw it and fixed it =) --Leord 14:42, 27 December 2008 (CET)

Yeah, typos happen. Sometimes even in page titles. Anyone is welcome to fix minor errors like that; you don't need to message admins or the page creator in such instances. -- Flux

A small question...

How to have an internal link going to a category? i wanna make a link to the Jewelry Category, but i cant, because if i specify category, it sends the word jewelry to the categories at the bottom of the article. and if i dont specify its a category, then it links to Jewelry article, and that doesnt exist... please help. --DxAxxxTyriel 11:08, 4 April 2009 (CEST)

A small answer

put a : in front of the name, inside the brackets, and it will not make that a link to the category. Add the "pipe trick" like you do with any other link.


Leord and I have had "add a bunch of basic wiki tips and tricks to the help page" on our to-do list forever, but there always seems to be something more pressing. has exhaustive help pages, but they're so long that it's hard to find what you want. The cheat sheet is useful -- someday I've got to learn how to do footnotes properly. *cough* -Flux 12:22, 5 April 2009 (CEST)

Thx mate... And is it possible 2 rename articles? 2 articles need to be renamed, nothing serious, just so it they are Correctly Written... with caps in the right spots...

yeah, mention them here or email me or leord or you can post them in the wiki support forum.

It's generally helpful to make redirect pages for caps or non-caps, since the wiki search engine is so stupid about case sensitivity. I've taken to mostly doing categories and page names in lowercase, just so I don't have to try to remember which ones are caps and which are not. Also note that one word page names are not case sensitive; monsters = Monsters, since the first word in a title gets capitalized automatically by the page title. -Flux 12:32, 5 April 2009 (CEST)