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BlizzCast is a regular podcast by Blizzard Entertainment for the fans with interviews and fan Q&As during an hour or so show. It aims to give a behind the scenes look at the development process of titles currently in production and the people working on them. .The BlizzCasts usually involve information from all three of Blizzard's IPs including Diablo, World of WarCraft and StarCraft.


Episode Six - broadcast on 19th November 2008 | Duration: 66:18

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Episode Five - broadcast on 7th August 2008 | Duration: 38:37

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Episode Four - broadcast on 7th August 2008 | Duration: 60:33

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Episode Three - broadcast on 1st June 2008 | Duration: 57:12

Karune (Kevin Yu) RTS Community Manager interviews Dustin Browder, Lead Designer on StarCraft II. Bornakk interviews Jeff Kaplan, Lead Designer on World of Warcraft. Nethaera speaks to Joeyrary, Manager of Video Production. Q&A session with Dustin Browder and Jeff Kaplan.

Episode Two - broadcast on 22nd February 2008 | Duration: 49:05

Karune (Kevin Yu), the RTS Community Manager interviews Chris Metzen Vice President of Creative Development. Nethaera of the World of Warcraft Community Team interviews Geoff Goodman a designer on World of Warcraft. Finally, a Q&A with Andy Chambers, Writer for StarCraft and Tom Chilton, Lead Designer on WoW.

Episode One - broadcast on 10th January 2008 | Duration: 20:46

Karune (Kevin Yu) RTS Community Manager interviews Sam Didier (Samwise) Blizzard's Art Director and Drysc from the World of Warcraft Community Team interviews Lead Designer of WoW Jeff Kaplan on patch 2.4.