Fan fiction:Compendium of the Orue Agea

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Compendium of the Orue Agea is a fan fiction piece by Kire, originally posted in the Fan Fiction Forum. This story was posted on November 12th 2010.

Compendium of the Orue Agea

By Kire

Part I: The Path to Enlightenment

By the grace of higher powers I, Arlore Geid, High Librarian of Cedurnem, do set forth this chronicle to give insight to those who wish to know the purpose and history of the esteemed Orue Agea, known by most others as Alchemists, and of which I am honored to be part. As with all things, truth is in the mind of the beholder, and thus one must understand that this truth that I present is only truth in regards to what I have learned of before. In that way, the society of the Orue Agea is built upon the pursuit of truth and peace. Here and now, I intend to unravel the mystery of our history and the threads of the past that have woven together in our present.

The name Orue Agea that we bear derives from the Ancient Tongue, meaning “Seekers of the Self” and as such, those of our society seek to better the world around them by finding wisdom and enlightenment within themselves. I ask that you pardon my choice of words, as many of the scrolls of old are written in the Ancient Tongue, thus I shall attempt my best to accurately translate. Those beyond our society that remain unfamiliar with it refer to us as Alchemists, though this is somewhat of a misnomer as many of the Orue Agea study areas apart from alchemy. However, the art of alchemy is one of the necessary studies for any wishing to understand themselves and the world. The principles of our alchemical studies extend to encompass other fields as well, thus I can understand the generalization –which is a natural human tendency. Many refer to the proud warrior race of the north as Barbarians and the priests of Rathma as Necromancers, both with whom we have always had friendly associations, although neither term truly describes these honorable orders. It is due to these natural generalizations and fear of the unknown that I wish to make known the truth of our society, to cleave the shadow of rumors and lies that seem so prevalent in recent times.

No philosophy is more important to our order than perhaps “as above so below.” To understand this concept is to understand the relationship of the Orue Agea with their world. All things are a conflict of order and chaos in their own system, whether in reference to individual conflicts, the workings of the entire world, or the fight for balance found in a single drop of water. What meaning do the larger conflicts of man have for the world within the drop of water? And how they pale in comparison to the great procession of the greater universe around them. Therefore, it is said that just as all things occur above, so do they below –the worlds within the world. By this wisdom we believe our own minds and bodies to be universes within themselves. To balance the larger world beyond us, we must first learn to master the universe within us. Apart from many of clans of scholars and mages, this philosophy humbles us, as we realize we are only part of a larger world, whatever power to which we could hope to aspire is insignificant from such a viewpoint. The single mage who selfishly strives for power against the world is foolish; he is like a single raindrop trying to dominate the storm. Of course, like the honeycomb of the bee, the workings of the Orue Agea twist and split into a thousand directions, this great truth proving difficult for even the wisest ones to grasp. In order to know the true nature of the Orue Agea, one must understand the history that has shaped it. I intend to begin the work of revealing that history in my next writing.

Part II: From Chaos Rises Order

When most in general think of the Mage Clan Wars, they are reminded of the period of conflict between the Vizjerei mage brothers Horazon and Bartuc –better known as Bartuc the Bloody. While this conflict was certainly a most brutal one, the actual Mage Clan Wars had stretched millennia before when the first mage clans formed over the numerous magical nodes of Kehjistan. Consumed with power, the philosophically different clans began to war amongst each other for the right to supreme control over the magical energies. This marked the beginning of the long period of rivalry –sometimes violent, sometimes seething –in which the mage clans dominated one another for control. Their pride and thirst for power blinded the mages to the suffering they were causing, leading many to fear them nearly as much as the demons of the Burning Hells themselves. Among the atrocities committed by the mages was the perversion of the umbara clans of the Teganze into the unnatural Khazra, or goatmen, in order to fight for them. Such disregard for our fellow mortals is unfathomable to my mind, even if their beliefs are vastly different from our own. Blame was placed on demons such as Zagraal –but he only gave the Khazra greater strength, not origin –it was man that made these unfortunate beings. Their kind still roams these lands today, a reminder of the failure of the mage clans to uphold the ideals of wisdom and peace. Much of this was done in the name of defending the lands from the conflicts of the angels and demons, but the truth is far more obvious and terrible.

Parallel to the ongoing Mage Clan Wars was the even more nefarious and destruction Sin War, the conflict of the demons and angels of the mortal souls of our world. War is opportunity, with many mages seeing the otherworldly conflict as a motive to amass power and seize control. Entire cities were torn asunder by the awesome wrath of rival mages, heedless to the safety of those around, obsessed with only conquering a threat to their control. Though peace was made time and again between the clans, it was temporary, sufficing only until another mage hungered for power and found an excuse to ignite conflict once more. It is true that much of the corruption in the clans originated from demonic –and I dare say perhaps at times, angelic –influence; nonetheless, influence can only manipulate the dark desires already born in the hearts of mortal men. The forces beyond this world obviously sought to gain advantage over each other through the influence of man, and so many willingly acquiesced. Now please do not perceive my writings here as a condemnation of the entire mage order, as I am well aware that most of these esteemed scholars were peaceful in their pursuits. Rather I only wish to record the histories of the clans, especially how the greedy few were capable of tainting the greater whole.

For these reasons the general populace still fears practitioners of magic and –given their long history of corruption and greed –I cannot blame them. Alas, it is in our nature to desire…and to fear. Yet I can say with certainty that the wars have always been abated by the courage and determination of honest-hearted ones that stood against corruption. Many mages refused to fight one another and did their best to work towards peace. It has often been said that man finds the best of himself in the darkest times and it was in these dark times that a new society formed with the intent of seeking peace and knowledge for all mortals regardless of their origins. Truth became the call of this order to the world, a unity of a common interest against the corrupting influence of otherworldly forces. I speak of course of the founding of my order, the Orue Agea, which continues its purpose even today. For now, I gather more knowledge concerning the foundation, and shall write again when I have learned more.

Part III: Foundations of the Four

The origins of my society are quite difficult to ascertain, as fact and legend become indistinguishable the further back we look. There is no doubt that the beginnings of the Orue Agea rest on the shoulders of four individuals, whom have often been seen as either wise men or powerful deities –such exaggerations often occur. They are today known as Vulken the Forger, Enquirre the Artist, Hermothes the Traveler, and Agathaea the Healer. It is not my place to determine their nature or divinity, yet hereafter I shall assume them to be extraordinary men, no more or less, for the sake of historical narrative. From what I gather from our oldest records, these four were members of separate mage clans during the ancient Mage Wars, yet grew disillusioned by the incessant conflict for power and dominance. Each struck out on their own with the desire to seek truth alone as their only guide and eventually found each other. Uniting in their purpose, they ventured north to find a haven where they could study in peace and came upon a quiet valley in the northern mountains between Kehjistan and the Dry Steppes among the springs of one of the first tributaries of the Argentek River. There they established a village, which grew to a city as more came to them in search of truth. The first edifices were carved into the stone of the mountains, and remain in use even today as more seekers of truth visit with endless questions. None have been able to determine the original meaning of our city’s name, only that it was of great importance to the four: Melatras. The roles of the four vary from one source to another, however the character of each provides insight into their contributions.

Vulken the Forger is the alchemical patron of the fire element. He is presented as a chemist, an inventor, a natural leader, a master strategist and adept warrior. A man of fiery temperament, he was most likely a leader of soldiers for one of the ancient mage clans and came to despise to futile fighting among his fellow man. In Melatras, he gave leadership and law to the land –creating the governing system by which all inhabitants could live peacefully and in harmony with each other. It was he that saw the establishment of the Corpus Ducens, the Guiding Body that oversees the safety and upholding of order in the city. They remain separate from the studies of each Orue Ageum, serving as defenders and only ensuring that all living within Melatras follow the laws and do not bring harm to others or the city. Unlike other mage clans, the Guiding Body does not preside over the studies of sciences and are elected by the populace to make decisions in harmony with the good of the city. The Guiding Body always consists of seven members, most of whom have talents that assist in their duties, and govern from the Arx Arcana, the Secret Citadel. The members of the Body oversee all aspects of daily life for the city, often serving in other parts of it as well, and are responsible for any concerns are vital issues. Though a society of peace, many would wish to gain the support or secrets of the Orue Agea by force. The Citadel is the central defense of the city against any attack that may come, where those who decide to serve as peacekeepers train. As an inventor, Vulken forged and refined new creations to better the lives of others, and the Guiding Body collaborate to do the same in their decisions. The Citadel rests in the center of the valley, a splendid fortress with its grand spires reaching above the mountains and catching the sunlight in its crystal peaks, making it seem as though it is topped with glowing fire.

Enquirre the Artist is the patroness of the water element. She was always in thought, delving into the deeper studies as a mathematician, mystic, mentalist and even psychic. Yet she was a woman who also appreciated all beauty, as we know from her mysterious and evoking poetry. I suspect she was forever a student of the deep mysteries, yet would not abide the perversion of her noble studies by the clans for personal gain. She brought research and education to Melatras, where she established the Library of Cedurnem, housing information from across the world and from ages past. It sets in the edge of the valley, nestled in the spring-caverns that give birth to the valley’s river and winding deep underneath the mountain range. Like a hive, the chambers of the library divide and spread, with the main chambers devoted to studies in general and each subsequent chamber branching off to more specific fields. When an Orue Ageum reaches the point of beginning his own research, he creates his own lair to continue his work privately. That chamber will grow as more after him follow his work and increase the knowledge of that field. As such, the library originally was only one chamber, yet has grown to thousands and now continues to grow. Each scholar places protections and enchantments on his lair, so that only those who understand the studies before can proceed to his deeper truths. These enchantments are fortified over time by others, and test not only power but also understanding and control. Thus, there is no need for restrictions; scholars are restricted by their own knowledge and can only move forward when ready. The words on the portal to the library read “Nemo Sapientior nec Superior” meaning “None wiser nor higher.” While many originally assume this to mean that there are none better than the Orue Agea, they come to understand that it means that all are equal: no school of magic, no study, no order nor any man is superior to another. All merit their own worth and guide us to truth.

Hermothes the Traveler serves as the patron of the air element. A man of infinite curiosity with an adventuresome spirit, he was a scholar, a writer and an explorer, for he was always charting the unseen skies and unknown lands. Naturally a trader, He saw the greed and lust for power of the mages, and resolved to institute peaceful exchange and business. Indeed, he brought commerce and finance to Melatras, establishing the Mercatus Infinitus, the Endless Market, which encompasses the free trade of all the city and promotes honesty and fairness. He laid down the rules of trade, by which all trades must abide in order to conduct business in the Market. The massive stretch of stalls and shops is the first expanse of the city and makes up a generous portion of the city. With its troves of innumerable wares and services, it ensures undoubtedly that a person will find whatever they may be looking for –no matter how bizarre or rare. The unique hexagonal structure of the market and each of its subsections allows for an efficient use of space that is also easy to navigate. Hermothes was not a man to remain in one place too long, being a wanderer, and so he left Melatras after some time to continue adventuring in other lands –though he did return to visit from time to time. A traveling trader, diplomat and explorer, he journeyed to the most remote and far-flung edges of the world in search for new discoveries and establishing good relations between the Orue Agea and the peoples of all nations and orders. He always discovered during his travels new mysteries for the scholars of the Library to study and new individuals of talent to invite to Melatras. Likewise most Orue Agea travel in their youth to broaden their scope and bring new perspective back with them.

Agathaea the Healer, the patroness of earth, was a realistic and compassionate woman. She sought only to provide for others, and as such took on the role of physician, apothecary and cultivator. She was deeply upset by the suffering she saw in her fellow man, be they of her clan or any other, especially those who were experimented upon from the Torajan Jungles. She refused to allow her skills to be used to support war anymore, so she left her clan and gave herself to helping others. Upon founding Melatras, she established the Centrum Renovati, the Restoration Center, which cares for the health for the city and delves into the mysteries of medicine and anatomy. It still sits on the cliffsides of the northern wall, its many columns supporting the classically designed levels that surround the grand rotunda at its culmination. There was served as Chief Healer, and is said to even been able to remedy the deadliness of poisons and sicknesses with her skill. She was also an avid cultivator, and oversaw the immense fertile fields on the valley’s river to provide produce for the entire city. None in Melatras went without fresh food or healthcare, as she was ever diligent in her duty. So magnificent was her skill of studying and caring for life that a hundred breeds of flowers and trees always adorned the Restoration Center as a symbol for life and rebirth.

As the years passed beyond its founding, Melatras prospered from peace and a thirst for truth. A vast variety of individuals dwelled in harmony there, not only those who had traditional magical talent. Many studied metallurgy, potions, architecture, or a multitude of other areas that did not necessitate being able to touch magic –their power was their mind and will. So long as a person sought truth and peace, they were welcome to live and learn there. However, I will not deceive myself or others to believe that there were not difficulties over the centuries since. Like those of the mage clans before, time after time there has been those who have fallen astray to corruption and greed, with the parable of Tauch the Miser demonstrating the dangers of serving one’s own selfish desires. His story is intricate, and exemplifies a very important philosophy of my people, that of the two suns, which I will attempt to prepare for my next writing.

Part IV: Prophecy and Condemnation

A philosophical concept of great importance originated from a prophecy of an ancient Orue Agean seer: the two suns. Gold has long been hailed as a symbol of perfection –it never corrodes or rusts and only the most powerful solvents can dissolve it. The sun shares that perfection with its life-giving golden light. Yet alchemists believe in two suns, the physical one and the philosophical one. The physical sun that daily crosses our skies is the symbol of physical needs and desires, just as physical gold is the focus of greed. Those who study the Magnum Opus, the Great Work, understand that its perfection is temporary, illusionary. The true Golden Sun is within man, the potential of each one to establish his own divinity and transcend the bounds of physical reality. Although countless mages have sought to create the legendary Lapis Philosophorum, the Philosopher’s Stone, to transmute metals into gold and obtain immortality, they do not understand that true philosophical gold and perfection come from within nor that immortality is not escaping death but seeing beyond such worldly perceptions of life and death. To create physical gold is a work of the Black Sun, physical desire, which upon being conquered is only the first step towards enlightenment –not the last. It has taken centuries to understand this great truth and search for the Golden Sun above the Black Sun. It is perfection, oneness, order.

One such Orue Ageum who failed to seek the higher Golden Sun was Tauch, now known as Tauch the Miser. His pursuits were innocent and harmless enough…until he sought assistance from darker powers. He saw physical gold as the epitome of perfection and wished to gain its perfection for himself –to live on in a supposedly perfect state and gather its secrets for his use. To this end, he studied the ties of reality as well as how to control, change, or even loosen these bonds. He eventually succeeded in summoning an imp from the Burning Hells and bound it to his will. He kept his work secret, as this practice was forbidden unless under the direct supervision of the Guiding Body. Too often had enslaved demons turned to enslave their master and corrupt those around them; nevertheless, he brought the demon imp to his command, and studied its secrets in hopes of achieving his goal. He managed to bind the imp to the mortal realm with ancient and secretive spells, tying its spirit to a golden coin. So long as the binding spells of the coin kept its strength, the imp could remain in this world. However, he did not realize that the imp, seemingly so subservient and helpful, was actually corrupting his mind and exciting his greed to make him more easy to manipulate.

Although Tauch assumed it was his own idea, it was in fact the imp that planted the idea of using imps to gather gold for him so that he could continue his work. Slowly becoming consumed by greed, Tauch at last allowed the imp loose from his absolute command to begin his task of amassing gold and, in that moment, sealed his fate. The imp immediately used his newly gained free will to slaughter Tauch and carved his corpse into pieces. The pieces grew into homunculi that then emerged as newborn imps, but the golden imp went further to plant a golden coin in each newborn to share his bond with the rest. His offspring likewise were bonded to gold, and sought to gain as much of it as possible to increase their power and create more of their kind. Even thought a demon’s power greatly diminished after losing connection to great energy –such as their master’s –it can still hold shape on the mortal realm with far less power. Records show this to be true in recent decades, where imps wander dangerously free without control; luckily, they are far weaker without a master to feed their power. The golden imps used gold to store and amplify what power they had left, which made them stronger than their typical demon imp brothers. They were hunted by the Orue Agea upon being discovered, though some did escape destruction, and their species came to be designated the Avarifer Aureolus, the Gilded Greedbearers. Few know this name, which refers to the species in general, but rather refer to them by the name of their most common breed: the Gilded Miser, after greedy Tauch.

While small in appearance, the Gilded Miser is a sinister and fearsome foe for any adventurer –being far more vicious and power than the typical mischievous imp. Fortunately, this imp tends to remain close to its den; it fiercely guards its accumulated treasures and rarely strays from the general vicinity even to pursue attackers. One can tell the age and power of a Gilded Miser by the amount of gold staining its skin. Misers collect anything gold and store them in their dens, even going as far as consuming some of the gold to keep it safe. Over time, their powerful stomachs of hellfire acid dissolve this gold, which becomes imbedded in their bodies. When threatened, they viciously rake an attacker’s flesh with their razor claws or may even vomit molten gold upon them. The common Miser will usually seek only common gold and live for short times; however, the more powerful breeds of the Gilded Hoarder and exceedingly rare Gilded Mammon are hardier and seek gold with magical enchantments and properties. The more enchanted gold they absorb, they more likely they are able to call upon these magics to attack. Thus attacking a Mammon is pure folly, as the magical imbued gold in their bodies often provide them abilities such as elemental magic, enhanced prowess, teleporting, and even summoning other creatures to its aid.

I now return to the prophecy above mentioned. The seer spoke the words “Two suns, one black one golden; two souls, one to condemn one to redeem.” Curiously, this prophecy was spoken in Modern Tongue, which I write in now but was considered vulgar at said time, and contains double meanings. “Suns” could be heard as “Sons” while “Souls” could be “Sols” –Ancient Tongue for “Suns.” This double meaning is intended to tie to importance of the sun symbol of perfection to the inner philosophical sun within man’s soul –a child or “son” of truth. By my own belief, the Son of the Black Sun was Tauch, who by his greed unintentionally revealed our highest secrets to the Burning Hells and set their plans in motion. He condemned the Orue Agea and even the world with his actions, yet according to prophecy the Son of the Golden Sun would yet redeem us of our failure. This pivotal event involves much deception and tragedy –I hope to properly convey this story in my next writing.


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