Throwing weapon

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Throwing weapons are not confirmed to exist in Diablo 3. They were common items in Diablo 2, and could be used by all characters, though only Amazons and Barbarians possessed special throwing skills.

We've not yet seen a throw ability in Diablo 3, and as of now there are only two known way to throw a weapon in the game.

  • The Wizard has an inherent skill (not in her skill tree) that lets him throw his wand. This one basically works like a ranged version of a melee attack, with the wand vanishing from the Wizard's hand until it hits a target or misses. At that point it vanishes and reappears in the Wizard's hand.

No Throw?

It's possible that there will not be throwing weapons in Diablo 3. None have been seen as of November 2009, but that does not mean they won't be added later, or that they're not in the game now, and just not being shown yet.

On the other hand, it's known that bows are in the game; one was seen in the WWI 2008 gameplay movie, but none have been seen since, and none were enabled in the playable build at Blizzcon 2008 or 2009. Most fans presume that the fifth character class will be a bow specialist, hence Blizzard is not showing off bows since they want to preserve the whole ranged weapon function until that character is revealed, likely at Blizzcon 2010. Might the various throwing weapons fall into the same area? Perhaps the fifth character is a master of all ranged weapons, not just bows?

Or it's possible that throwing weapons won't be in Diablo 3 at all, or won't be added in until an expansion pack. Only time will tell.