Fanmade:Nature Forces Skill Tree

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  • Eclipse

The mage raises her hand and a symbol appears high above her /5 meters above/. The symbol looks like an eclipsed moon /sickle moon/ and is flies always above the mage's head. The moon illuminates a limited area around the mage. All enemies in this area have lower resistances /including magical and physical/. The moon lasts for 5 minutes and fades away. Costs mana.

Adding points to the skill will increase the resistance lowered and will also increase the area of effect.

  • Wind Form

This is kind of a teleport skill, but a little better. The mage turns her body into air and moves around passing trough enemies and gratings. Press the skill button once to make the mage turn to wind and appear to the next location. You can also press and hold the skill button and the mage will turn to air and you will be able to move around. When you release the button, the mage will appear on the location pointed with the mouse. Costs mana when pressing the button and costs mana per second when holding the button.

Adding points to the skill will decrease the mana cost when pressing the button and will also decrease the mana cost per second when holding the button.

  • Flowers Of Sleep

The mage raises her hand and draws a line of flowers in front of the enemies. Press the skill button once, near an enemy, and some beautiful big white flowers will grow. The flowers spread pollen that makes the enemy sleep for a while, making him vulnerable. You can also press and hold the skill button and draw a big line of flowers in front of a group of enemies. The flowers will spread their pollen and will make them sleep. Some enemies that are higher level will not fall asleep, so add points to the skill. With the draw feature you can also make figures on the ground.

The flowers exist for a limited time - 15 seconds maximum, then they fade. The enemies sleep for up to 10 seconds. The skill costs mana.

Adding points to the skill will increase the chance to put higher level enemies to sleep. The sleep duration increases /up to 10 seconds/ and the flower existence duration increases /up to 15 seconds/.

  • Call Pixies

The mage calls a pixie swarm to help her in battle. Press the skill button once and the mage will raise her hand and a small pixie swarm will appear attacking the enemies. You can also hold the button and draw a big line of pixie swarms around the enemies. The more you hold the button, the more pixies called. They appear from nowhere.

Pixies are tiny creatures that fly around. They look pretty much like big fireflies, but their light doesn't blink. Their light is golden. Pixies attack with a suicidal explosion in the enemy's body. The explosion is small but does damage. Just imagine the pixie swarm that creates many small explosions to the enemies. The fans will call this skill "Pop-corn". Costs mana per swarm.

Adding points to the skill will increase the pixie damage and will decrease the mana cost.

  • Pyrokinesis

The ability to light fire with your mind. The mage raises her hand and the enemies pointed with the mouse ignite and burn like torches. Press the button once and the mage will ignite the selected enemy, or if there is no target, there will be fire on the ground. You can also hold the button and draw a line trough enemies - when the mouse cursor passes over enemies, they will be ignited. You can also draw firewalls on the ground /or different fire figures/. The damage is Fire. Costs mana per fire-spot.

Adding points to the skill will increase the fire damage. Maybe the mana cost should decrease.

  • Fire Spheres

Using the skill with no target spotted will make the mage raise her hand and summon a fire sphere that is as big as her head. Pressing the skill button with no target again will summon another fire sphere. The maximum count of fire spheres is three. The fire spheres fly around and when they touch an enemy /they are homing to target automatically/ he ignites and burns like a torch.

When you have summoned some fire spheres, select a target and press the skill button again - the fire spheres fly forming a spiral /triple, double or single/ and strike the enemy like a fireball. When flying in a spiral there are flame trails behind the spheres. Accordingly the explosion is triple, double or single depending on the count of the fire spheres. The explosion has a splash damage and affects a group of enemies. After that you gonna have to summon new fire spheres. If you haven't summoned fire spheres and use the skill with a target, the mage will wing a single fire sphere to the enemy. The damage is fire and magical. Costs mana per fire sphere and launching the spheres also costs mana.

Adding points to the skill will increase the fire and magical damage when the spheres fly around and when they fly like a fireball. Maybe the mana cost should decrease /not sure/.

This skill cannot be combined with Spherical Lightning /see below/. When you summon one it cancels the other.

  • Meteor

The mage raises her hand and after a while a fiery meteor falls and shakes the ground. The meteor causes a fire explosion that spreads meteor pieces that hurts the nearby enemies. After the explosion there is fire on the ground that slowly fades. The explosion has a splash damage and affects a group of enemies that stand close to each other and the pieces affect the ones around. When the skill is activated the meteor falls after 1,5 seconds. There is 5 seconds casting delay. Costs mana. The damage is fire.

Adding points to the skill will increase the fire damage of the explosion, the pieces and the fire that burns after the explosion.

  • Fire Storm

The mage raises her hand above her head, winds start to blow and flames start to burn on the ground. Then the ground is shaked by many random fire explosions in an area around the mage. There are also flying flames that ignite the enemies. The more you hold the skill button, the longer the Fire Storm. But costs mana per second and depletes the orb quickly. When you cast the spell, no matter how long you hold the button, after that the mage is exausted - there is a casting delay of 5 minutes. The damage is fire and magical. The explosions affect all the enemies in the area, and the flames burn them.

Adding points to the skill will increase the fire and magical damage of the explosions and the flames. The area of effect /the area of the Fire Storm/ increases. Also the mana cost per second decreases.

  • Lightning Strike

Point an enemy with the mouse cursor and press the skill button. The mage raises her hand and a lightning strikes from the skies to the enemy. The damage is lightning of course. The enemy squiggles for a while. When you add points to the skill the lightning strikes more than once /up to four times/. If there is a group of enemies the lightnings strike in a sequence - 1, 2, 3 etc. and hit each enemy. When the lightning strikes it has a splash damage and can hurt also the enemies nearby. Costs mana.

Adding points to the skill will increase the lightning damage and will increase the count of the lightning strikes. The mana cost will decrease.

  • Spherical Lightning

When there is no target an you press the skill button, the mage raises her hand and summons a spherical lightning that is as big as her head. The Spherical Lightning flies around and when an enemy approaches, it flies to him and strikes /bit it disappears after that/.

You can summon up to five spherical lightnings that will fly around. When you have summoned some spherical lightnings you can press the skill button with a target and the spherical lightnings will fly in a spiral /like the Fire Spheres/ and will strike like a Lightning Ball. When flying in a spiral there are lightning trails behind the spheres. The lightning explosion has a splash damage and affects a group of enemies. There are also lightning bolts that move on the ground and hurt the enemies around.

When you haven't summoned spherical lightnings and use the skill with a target, the mage will just wing a single spherical lightning to the enemy. The damage is lightning and magical. Costs mana per a spherical lightning and launching the summoned spherical lightnings also costs mana.

Adding points to the skill will increase the lightning and magical damage. The maximum count of the spherical lightnings summoned increases /up to five/. Maybe the mana cost will decrease /not sure/.

  • Lightning Orb

The mage summons a spherical lightning orb that is three times bigger than her head. It flies near the mage and when enemies approach there are lightnings that come out of it and strike them. The lightnings make a sound that is similar to the sound of the weapons of the tripods in the War Of The Worlds movie. The damage is lightning. The orb exists for a limited amount of time - up to 5 minutes. Then you have to summon a new one. After the orb expires there is a casting delay of 3 minutes - you will have to learn to call it only when you need it. The range of the orb depends on the skill points added. Costs lots of mana.

Lightning Orb cannot be combined with Wisp Of Light and Shadow Wisp. One cancels the other.

Adding points to the skill will increase the lightning damage and the range of the orb. The mana cost will increase.

  • Lightning Storm

The mage raises her hand above her head, winds start to blow and many lightnings strike from the skies randomly. There are also diagonal lightnings that strike like chain lightnings. There are many lightning bolts running on the ground. The damage is lightning and magical. The area of the storm depends on the skill level. The more you hold the button, the longer the storm, but it depletes the mana orb quickly. When you cast the spell, no matter how long you hold the button, after that the mage is exausted - there is a casting delay of 5 minutes. The enemies that are hit squiggle for a while. Costs mana per second.

Adding points to the skill will increase the lightning and magical damage of the lightnings, will increase the area of effect and will decrease the mana cost per second.