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WWI 2008

Blizzard's World Wide Invitational of 2008 was held in Paris, 28th-29th of June. See the main World Wide Invitational article for more information about the event in general.


Diablo III AnnouncedEdit

Diablo III was announced at WWI 2008.

  • Full coverage including interviews, movies and articles can be found on The dii.net WWI coverage page.
  • See this article for all the images, rumors, and wild theories that surrounded the week of mystery splash images leading up to the debut of Diablo III' at the WWI.

Panels & CinematicEdit

There were four hour-long panels on Diablo III at the WWI. Click the following links to read transcripts from each panel.

Other CoverageEdit

There was a massive media coverage of WWI. A full list of content can be found at the:

Event Title ImageEdit
