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429 bytes added, 13:21, 25 June 2009
health bar
=Damage Types=
==Damage Types==
As in previous games in the series, there are various types of damage in [[Diablo III]]. Various spells, [[skill]]s, and weapons channel their destructive might into one (or more) types of damage. Characters and [[monster]]s counter these attacks with equivalent types of resistance and immunities, and players must find the right balance of each if they wish to succeed in their battles.
* '''Toxic Damage:''' Green in coloration.
** Critical hit: Toxic (poison) crits deal an unknown bonus.
=Health Bar=
[[Image:Bosshealth.jpg|thumb|left|Boss' health]] In the Blizzcon 2008 build monsters' health bar were displayed in the centre of the screen above the opponent's head, but this has since been changed for various reason, not least it was distracting. The regular monsters' bar is now displayed at the bottom of the screen. The bar for uniques and bosses, (seen in the image on the left) was and remains in the top right of the screen.
=Information Through Graphics=
===Information Through Graphics===
[[Image:Barb-cleave2.jpg|thumb|300px|Cold [[crits]] freezes the target. (The red slash is part of the [[Cleave]] skill graphic, not fire.]]
The visuals tied to damage types are meant to add eye candy, but also to inform the player about events occurring on the screen. As Julian Love explained during BlizzCast #8, in March 2009. []
==Critical Hit Visuals==
[[Image:Critical-hit2.jpg|thumb|250px|Cold critical hit, with highlighted gore.]]
[[Critical hits]] inflict extra damage and/or bonus effects (detailed above). Various skills and items can improve the odds of a critical hit, as well as the damage it deals. Other skills or item effects trigger each time a critical hit is scored, creating an interesting and interconnected system of damage bonuses.
* See the [[critical hits]] page for much more detail.
=In Depth Combat=
==In Depth Combat==One criticism of earlier games in the series is that they are fairly one-dimensional, in terms of combat. One or two skills can be used over and over again, in almost every situation, and there's little thought required. This was especially the case in [[Diablo II]], where players were nearly god-like in their powers and could easily escape almost any dangerous situation by running or [[teleport]]ing away. The [[D3 Team]] wants to make combat much more tactical in D3; it will still be a fast-paced, click-intensive Action RPG, but there should be a bit more strategy required than "click 'til dead."
[[Jay Wilson]] talked about the shallowness of combat in D2, and his plans to deepen it in D3 [ with] in December 2008.
::So one of the things we focused on is that response -- 1) setting up scenarios where the players can't easily get out of danger without the use of class-specific [[skill]]s, and 2) giving them really simple controls to use a broader range of skills without making the game that much more complex to play. I really distinguish the difference between complexity and depth; to me, complexity is adding more buttons, while depth is making a single button more powerful and versatile. So that's always been our goal -- reducing the amount of controls while making each button mean more. So that's one of the reasons we added the Hotbar; it's one of the reasons why we avoided the potion-health system. And when people play the game, they may not notice this next point that much, but we leveled out the movement speed somewhat so that the player moves at a more reasonable rate compared to the monsters.
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