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Fanmade:Arcane Warrior

8 bytes added, 08:54, 22 June 2009
Terra Firma Skills
'''Tier IV:'''
* '''Anvil of the Earth:''' Active. Melee attack. Crushing attack with cooldown time that does highly increased damage to target and nearby targets.
* '''Ice Shield:''' Active. Spell. Creates a literal shield made of solid ice. If a shield is being used, it enhances it defenses and blocking. Without a shield, it floats near caster and confers double the blocking bonus that Ice Shield adds to a shield and can be used with 2-handed weapons.
* '''Jagged Shards:''' Passive. Enchants Armor. Causes sharp rock protrusions to spring from armor, causing physical damage on melee attackers. Against missile attacks, has a chance of shattering the missile, causing no damage. Against attackers that have weapon Durability (ie. PvP), has an equal chance of reducing Durability of attackers melee weapon by one.