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16 bytes added, 17:21, 12 June 2009
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==How Many Quests?==
The [[D3 Team]] has said that D3 will be about the same size as D2, but that it will have many more quests. This total presumably includes the smaller adventures, as well as main plot-driving quests. [ Jay Wilson commented on this] in an interview with German site 4players.dein August 2008.
::''We believe Diablo 2 was a very good size, even with the number of quests. In any case, more than in Diablo 2, Diablo 3 will have more quests and many of them have a much stronger tie to the game. Compare this to Diablo 2, where quests generally came in 6 per Act, but in Diablo 3 we have no quest limit. So we can continue to insert as many quests as we like, until we feel that we've got a good amount and there aren't too many. We want to concentrate on quests that are really fun and contribute to the game. If I have to come up with a number, I'd say there's probably twice as many quests, but I wouldn't nail it down like that. It could still be more or less at this point.''
==Quest Conversations==
[[Image:Injured_villager_talks_to_Wizard.jpg|right|thumb|150px|[[Wizard]] talks to [[Injured Villager]], who starts [[The Skeleton King]] quest.]]