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143 bytes removed, 15:27, 12 June 2009
Fixed a bunch of stuff
The '''Ranger''' excels in ranged weaponry, with quite a few updates on the Amazon from [Diablo 2[class]. With a tree for projectiles (bows ] specialises in using projectile and crossbows), a tree for thrown weapons (javelins to deal damage and boomerangs), and an enhancement tree that will enhance both of the other two trees, this character class allows quite a variety of builds centered around a well-rounded ranged attackerhelp others.
|game= Diablo III
<!- |portrait= Wizards.jpg-->
|portrait-width= 200px
|name= Ranger
|classtype= fanclass <!-- fanclass / joke / official / official_Diablo_III -->|role= [[Ranged Attacker]]|attrib= [[WillpowerDexterity]]
<!-- Class Skills -->
|skilltree1= Projectile Weaponry Skill Tree
|skilltree3= Enhancement Skill Tree
<!-- Background -->
|origin= Unknown[[Sanctuary]]
|affiliation= Unknown
|friends= Unknown
==Class Design==
The Ranger excels in ranged weaponry, with quite a few updates on the [[Amazon]] from [[Diablo II]]. With a tree for projectiles (bows and crossbows), a tree for thrown weapons (javelins and boomerangs), and an enhancement tree that will enhance both of the other two trees, this character class allows quite a variety of builds centred around a well-rounded ranged attacker.
Instead of trying to explain how the class is intended to function, I have instead provided Here are some design sample builds below to give you an idea of the Ranger's versatility:
'''Power Ranger''': Max out either bow or xbow mastery, Projectile Mastery, and Bending, Concussing, or Stun shot (single target abilities that increase quickly in damage). In enhancements, Max Poison Tip and Copy Self. This is intended to be a single-target powerhouse, maxing damage dealt to one target.
==Attributes and Skills==
''No text is really needed here. Fill these out if you can. If not, then hide it with an html comment until we get more info from Blizzard.''
====Starting Attributes====
====Projectile Weaponry Skills====
<!--[[Image:Wiz-frost-nova1.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[Frost Nova]]]]-->
=====Tier I=====
'''Bow Mastery''' - Passive, Increase physical damage and accuracy with bow weapons
'''Suicide Shot''' ''(Requires Stun Shot)'' - Completely drains stamina (also has a stamina cost applied before draining): Sends 1 projectile directly to each mob within area of effect, which damages and has a chance to stun them. Damage is modified based on amount of Stamina drained. Stun chance/duration and area of effect increase with level.
'''Close Combat''' ''(Requires Projectile Mastery)'' - Use your projectile as a close range weapon and impale a single enemy. Damage is based on ranged weapon damage (all modifiers applied) as well as projectile mastery level. Damage and chance for deadly strike (instant kill) increases with level. Instant Kill chance switches to Critical Hit chance in the case of Bosses.
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====Thrown Weaponry Skills====
<!--[[Image:Wiz-slow-time1.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[Electrocute]] in a [[Slow Time]] bubble.]]-->
=====Tier I=====
'''Throwing Mastery''' - Passive, Increases physical damage and accuracy with thrown weapons
'''Chaotic Throw''' ''(Requires Tie up, equipped boomerang)'' - Throws magical versions of your boomerang that hit the target, then randomly turn and veer around in the area, piercing and hitting everything in its path - party members regenerate stamina and hit points if the boomerang passes near them. Length of flight and damage increases with level.
'''Charged Throw''' ''(Requires Quick Throw)'' - Adds large amounts of lightning damage to each throw (throws look like lightning bolts). Holding the mouse down charges the skill instead of repeating the attack, adding more damage when released. Base and charge damage increase with level.
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====Enhancement Skills====
<!--[[Image:Wiz-spectral-blade1.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[Spectral Blade]]]]-->
=====Tier I=====
'''Preserve Stamina''' - Passive, Decreases amount of stamina used by each skill by a certain percentage
''Mention when the class was revealed, and any other changes that has been made to the class during development. Any general changes to all classes you can add to the [[skill]]s article.''
''Hide this section unless there really is some trivia about the class. Add the class to the [[:Category:Trivia]] category as well if you add info here.''
''Use this as-is, but replace appropriate text. Just change "Wizard" to the class name below to update the gallery links. If the class has no images in gallery, just hide this entire section.''
Image:Wizard disintegrate.jpg|Wizard casting [[Disintegrate]]
''Link to the [[Abd al-Hazir]] entry here, and/or other sources used to write the article.''
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