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Media Coverage

2,202 bytes added, 05:10, 8 April 2009
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This page lists all ''Diablo III'' coverage; previews, interviews, pictures, videos, designer diaries, forum post, and more. Anything from the D3 team that's substantial enough to warrant a news post on gets an entry on this page. Larger interviews and other features are archived in this section one month after they go online, to ward off link rot. If you are new to Diablo or Diablo III development, you can read up on the topic here:
* '''[[Diablo 3 Basics]]''' - The light source of all known Diablo III data in one fact sheet.
==February 2009==
[[Image:Unburied render.jpg|frame|The Unburied.]]
{{pic}} February 28, 2009. [ New Diablo III screenshots].
{{pre}} February 26, 2009. [ The Unburied is added to the D3 bestiary]. Plus forum posts and [ Bashiok comments on it].
{{blz}} February 24, 2009. [ Bashiok on chests, keys, and unannounced classes].
{{vid}} February 23, 2009. [ Video from Blizzcon shows NPC conversation].
{{blz}} February 18, 2009. [ Bashiok on chat gem, standard of heroes, and charms].
{{oth}} February 15, 2009. [ Blizzcon 2009 announced].
{{blz}} February 14, 2009. [ Bashiok says the World Map is larger than the game world].
{{blz}} February 13, 2009. [ Bashiok on item affixes].
{{blz}} February 13, 2009. [ Bashiok on ID scrolls].
{{blz}} February 13, 2009. [ Bashiok on loot and bosses].
{{blz}} February 11, 2009. [ Bashiok on item customization and sockets].
{{blz}} February 10, 2009. [ Bashiok on gold sinks, Fury, and the new chat gem].
{{blz}} February 8, 2009. [ Bashiok on gold sinks and soul bound items].
{{blz}} February 2, 2009. [ Bashiok on DPS display].
{{int}} February 1, 2009. [ Leonard Boyarsky on runes, skills, inventory, and much more].