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Media Coverage

1,919 bytes added, 02:48, 6 April 2009
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This page lists all ''Diablo III'' coverage; previews, interviews, pictures, videos, designer diaries, forum post, and more. Anything from the D3 team that's substantial enough to warrant a news post on gets an entry on this page. Larger interviews and other features are archived in this section one month after they go online, to ward off link rot. If you are new to Diablo or Diablo III development, you can read up on the topic here:
* '''[[Diablo 3 Basics]]''' - The light source of all known Diablo III data in one fact sheet.
==January 2009==
[[Image:Secret-level-unicorn1.jpg|thumb|300px|Bashiok's pretty unicorn pony.]]
{{pic}} January 31, 2009. [ Joke images: Thousand Pound Ghostbuster and rainbow-farting unicorn].
{{pic}} January 30, 2009. [ New official wallpapers].
{{pre}} January 18, 2009. [ Death Knight class speculation].
{{blz}} January 17, 2009. [ Bashiok on dropped items = performance degradation and a larger stash].
{{blz}} January 16, 2009. [ Bashiok on damage display and soundtrack].
{{blz}} January 13, 2009. [ Bashiok on inventory space, respecs, and much more].
{{blz}} January 10, 2009. [ Bashiok on Auction Houses and trading].
{{pic}} January 8, 2009. [ New screenshots and concept art].
{{pre}} January 7, 2009. [ PC Gamer UK vs. US cover captions]. Plus their short Diablo III preview.
{{blz}} January 7, 2009. [ Bashiok on Skill Points and build variety].
{{pre}} January 5, 2009. [ PC Gamer magazine preview]. Nothing new in the preview; [ cover photo here].
{{pic}} January 3, 2009. [ New Female WitchDoctor concept art].
==December 2008==