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User talk:Flux

172 bytes added, 10:32, 5 April 2009
How to have an internal link going to a category? i wanna make a link to the Jewelry Category, but i cant, because if i specify category, it sends the word jewelry to the categories at the bottom of the article. and if i dont specify its a category, then it links to Jewelry article, and that doesnt exist... please help. --[[User:DxAxxxTyriel|DxAxxxTyriel]] 11:08, 4 April 2009 (CEST)
===AnswerA small answer===
put a : in front of the name, inside the brackets, and it will not make that a link to the category. Add the "pipe trick" like you do with any other link.
:::yeah, mention them here or email me or leord or you can post them in the [ wiki support forum].  It's generally helpful to make redirect pages for caps or non-caps, since the wiki search engine is so stupid about case sensitivity. I've taken to mostly doing categories and page names in lowercase, just so I don't have to try to remember which ones are caps and which are not. Also note that one word page names are not case sensitive; monsters = Monsters, since the first word in a title gets capitalized automatically by the page title. -[[User:Flux|Flux]] 12:2232, 5 April 2009 (CEST)