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Siegebreaker snatch

764 bytes added, 01:31, 3 April 2009
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The [[Siegebreaker]] snatch is a scripted event in which the unseen demon reaches through a wall and snatches a hapless NPC to his doom. It's seen in the WWI 2008 gameplay movie at the 10:00 mark.

[[Image:Gameplay-wwi-siege-claw1.jpg|thumb|800px|center|The Barbarian runs in from the right, and sees the NPC standing to the left.]]

[[Image:Gameplay-wwi-siege-claw2.jpg|thumb|800px|center|With a great rumbling and shaking, the wall crumbles as a huge hand appears.]]

[[Image:Gameplay-wwi-siege-claw3.jpg|thumb|800px|center|The hand closes on the NPC and yanks back out of sight.]]

[[Image:Gameplay-wwi-siege-claw4.jpg|thumb|800px|center|Only rubble remains from the collapsed wall, while one of the other NPCs reacts in shock.]]

[[category:scripted events]]