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245 bytes added, 13:55, 1 April 2009
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==Inventory View==The picture to the right show how the inventory looks in Diablo III. Note that the area that is visually the "left hand" is actually right hand slot on the screen and vice-versa. It's the left hand of the '''character'''.  <gallery>Image:D3-Inventory2.jpg|Alternate explanation.Image:D3-Inventory3.jpg|Simple viewImage:D3-Inventory4.jpg|Alternate view.Image:D3-Inventory5.jpg|Pouch view and more.</gallery>   ===Bag Slots===
The slots in Diablo III bags work very differently from the inventory slots in [[Diablo II]], as it no longer applies the "tetris-style" inventory of differently sized items, requiring time to organize the layout of your loot. As of March 30 [], this changed and the inventory is now divided into three Tabs:
Note that slots differentiate between tabs, If for Example, you have 6 slots in the Large Item Tab, then 12 slots in the Small Item Tab would be equal to the 6 Large item slots. This is because the slots in the tabs are of different size, so 2 small item slots stacked vertically = 1 large item slot by size.
Image:D3-Inventory2.jpg|Alternate explanation.
Image:D3-Inventory3.jpg|Simple view
Image:D3-Inventory4.jpg|Alternate view.
Image:D3-Inventory5.jpg|Pouch view and more.