Test test... Wiki's would be much better with PM system... sigh....--DxAxxxTyriel 15:35, 1 April 2009 (CEST)
::So, i edited the Inventory page... if im guessing correctly, you're the guy who re-edited it... and caused me a nervous breakdown xD.... and dude, why are you adding the "Please note that the area labelled "left hand" is actually right hand slot on the screen and vice-versa. It's the left hand of the character." under the part bout bags? my pic has correct sides... i said right hand where HIS right hand is... and why cant we link to the blizzcast site? i mean the other thing is good, but blizzcast feels more... official?ima move the Please note bout vice versa hands thingy to nearby Vikkz image. --DxAxxxTyriel 15:44, 1 April 2009 (CEST)