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Patch 2.3

191 bytes added, 00:29, 5 September 2015
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=='''New Feature: [[The Ruins of Sescheron|Ruins of Sescheron]]'''==
The frozen wasteland that is the Ruins of Sescheron are now open for exploration! Filled with new enemies, traps, and environmental hazards, you'll be able to explore the region and learn more about what befell the barbarians of Mount Arreat. Explore the Immortal Throne and obtain the ultimate treasure: Kanai's Cube.
=='''New Feature: [[Kanai's Cube]]'''==
Kanai's Cube is a new artisan that offers a slew of new recipes to fully customize your items and catalogue your Legendary powers. Several recipes are available to players immediately upon acquiring
*'''Extract Legendary Power:''' Destroy an item to add its Legendary power to your catalogue of collected powers. Once a power has been extracted, it can be equipped to your character without the need to equip the item. Players may have one Weapon, one Armor, and one Jewelry power equipped at a time. Players may only equip powers from items that their characters can normally equip and use.
*'''Reforge a Legendary Item:''' Completely re-rolls a Legendary item as though it had dropped for the first time. This includes any powers that may have been previously enchanted on the item. Note that reforged items may re-roll as either Ancient or non-Ancient, so reforge at your own discretion!
*Fixed an issue that prevented Area Damage from benefitting from several sources of bonus damage
*Fixed an issue causing many pets to regenerate less Life per Second than intended
*Cooldown Reduction and Resource Cost Reduction can now roll on normal Shields
**Aura damage increased from 30-40% to 500-650% weapon damage per second
**Aura now also affects Demons
**Now knocks enemies into the air instead of knocking them back
**Lightning rod damage increased from 167-222% to 444-555% weapon damage per second
**Now rolls with a guaranteed primary stat instead of Attack Speed
*[[Hellfire Amulet]]
**Now rolls with a guaranteed socket
*[[Stone of Jordan]]
**Once again rolls with +Maximum Resource as a secondary stat for all classes
*[[Thorns of the Invoker]]
**This set now only drops for Crusaders
*Class-Specific Items
***[[Bracers of Destruction]]
****New Legendary Bracers
*****Seismic Slam deals 300-400% increased damage to the first 5 enemies it hits
***[[Bracers of the First Men]]
****New Legendary Bracers
*****Hammer of the Ancients attacks 50% faster and deals 150-200% increased damage
***[[Fjord Cutter]]
****Chilling aura proc chance increased from 20-30% to 100%
***[[Fury of the Ancients]]
****New Legendary Shoulders
*****Call of the Ancients gains the effect of the Ancients' Fury rune
***[[Immortal King's Call]]
****(6) Set Bonus
*****Damage bonus increased from 100% to 250%
***[[Pride of Cassius]]
****Now also extends the duration of Ignore Pain – Mob Rule
****No longer summons an Ancient if you already have 3 active
***[[Gabriel's Vambraces]]
****New Legendary Bracers
*****When your Blessed Hammer hits 3 or less enemies 75-100% of its Wrath cost is refunded
***[[Guard of Johanna]]
****New Legendary Crusader Shield
*****Blessed Hammer damage is increased by 200-250% for the first 3 enemies it hits
***[[Johanna's Argument]]
****New Legendary Flail
*****Increases the attack speed of Blessed Hammer by 100%
***[[Seeker of the Light]]
****New Set
*****(2) Set Bonus
******Increases the damage of Blessed Hammer by 750% and Falling Sword by 500%
**Demon Hunter
***[[Hunter's Wrath]]
****New Legendary Belt
*****Your primary skills attack 30% faster and deal 45-60% increased damage
***[[Wraps of Clarity]]
****New Legendary Bracers
*****Your Hatred generators reduce your damage taken by 30-35% for 5 seconds
***[[Yang's Recurve]]
****New Legendary Bow
*****Multishot attacks 50% faster
*****Rolls with +40-50% Resource Cost Reduction
***[[Binding of the Lost]]
****New Legendary Belt
*****Each hit with Seven-Sided Strike grants 3-3.5% damage reduction for 7 seconds
***[[Shenlong's Spirit]]
****(2) Set Bonus
*****The damage of your Spirit Generators is increased by 1.5% for each point of Spirit you have
*****When reaching maximum Spirit, all damage is increased by 100%, but you no longer passively regenerate Spirit and 65 Spirit is drained every second until you run out of Spirit
***[Uliana's StrategemStratagem]]
****New Set
*****(2) Set Bonus
******Your Seven-Sided Strike detonates your Exploding Palm
**Witch Doctor
****The damage of darts fired by Fetishes is now increased by 250%
****The number of Fetishes that fire darts when you do is now limited to 5
***[[Coils of the First Spider]]
****New Legendary Bracers
*****While channeling Firebats, gain 60000-80000 Life per Hit
*****Gain 30% damage reduction while channeling Firebats
***[[Deadly Rebirth]]
****Now rolls with +45-60% Grasp of the Dead damage
****This item has temporarily been prevented from dropping and should once again be allowed to drop in a future patch
**[[The Grin Reaper]]
***Mimics' skill damage now gains bonuses from your items
***Removed the cooldown on mimics' Acid Cloud and Zombie Charger skills
***Mimics can now cast Wall of Death
***Increased cast range of mimics' skills
**[[Helltooth Harness]]
***Has been redesigned
****(2) Set Bonus
****(6) Set Bonus
*****After casting wall of Death you gain 900% increased damage to your primary skills, Acid Cloud, Firebats, Gargantuan, Grasp of the Dead, Piranhas, Wall of Death, *****Zombie Charger, and Zombie Dogs for 15 seconds
**[[Jeram's Bracers]]
***New Legendary Bracers
****Wall of Death can be cast up to twice again within 2 seconds before the cooldown begins
****Increases the attack speed of Wall of Death by 30%
*****Note: This will not be reflected in the item's tooltip
**[[Manajuma's Way]]
***Has been redesigned
****(2) Set Bonus
*****Your Hex – Angry Chicken explosion damage is increased by 200% and slain enemies trigger an additional explosion
*****Your Hex – Angry Chicken now lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100%
**[[Spirit of Arachyr]]
***New Set
****(2) Set Bonus
**The Spider Queen's Grasp
***Now rolls with +45-60% Corpse Spider damage
**[[SuWong Diviner]]
***New Legendary Staff
****Acid Cloud gains the effect of the Lob Blob Bomb rune
****Rolls with +75-100% Acid Cloud damage
**[[Zunimassa's Haunt]]
***Has been redesigned
***(2) Set Bonus
****Now also reduces the cooldown of Fetish Army by 80%
**[[Chantodo's Resolve]]
***Has been redesigned
****(2) Set Bonus
*****Every second while in Archon form you expel a Wave of Destruction, dealing 350% weapon damage to enemies within 30 yards
*****Every time you hit with an attack while not in Archon form, 350% weapon damage is added to the Wave of Destruction, stacking up to 20 times
**[[Vyr's Amazing Arcana]]
***Has been redesigned
****(2) Set Bonus
**Note: Existing items will not be affected by the following changes. Only new versions of the items will roll with the added Legendary power.
***[[Arreat's Law]]
****Legendary power added
*****Weapon Throw generates up to 15-20 additional Fury based on how far the enemy hit is. Maximum benefit when the enemy hit is 20 or more yards away.
**Demon Hunter
****Has been removed
****Replaced with Valla's Bequest
******Note: Demolition will only pierce once
**Witch Doctor
****Legendary Power added
*****Reduces the Mana cost of Zombie Charger by 40-50%
*****Rolls with 60-80% increased Zombie Charger damage
***[[The Swami]]
****Legendary Power added
*****The bonuses from Archon stacks now last for 15-20 seconds after Archon expires
*New Seasonal Legendary Items
**Note: The following Seasonal items will be not be available to PC players until Season 4 begins and will be available exclusively to Seasonal characters until the conclusion of Season 4
**[[Bane of the Stricken]]***New [[Legendary Gem]]
****Each attack you make against an enemy increases the damage it takes from your attacks by 0.8%
****Damage bonus is increased by 0.01% per rank
****Gain 25% increased damage against Rift Guardians and bosses at rank 25
***[[Dishonored Legacy]]
****New Mighty Weapon
*****Cleave deals up to 300-400% increased damage based on percentage of missing Fury
***[[Sacred Harness]]
****New Legendary Belt
*****Judgment – Debilitate is cast at your landing location when casting Falling Sword
**Demon Hunter
***[[The Demon's Demise]]
****New Legendary Hand Crossbow
*****Spike Trap – Sticky Trap spreads to nearby enemies when it explodes
***[[Lion's Claw]]
****New Legendary Fist Weapon
*****Seven-Sided Strike performs an additional 7 strikes
**Witch Doctor
***[[Henri's Perquisition]]
****New Mojo
*****The first time an enemy deals damage to you, reduce that damage by 60-80% and Charm the enemy for 3 seconds
***[[Fazula's Improbable Chain]]
****New Legendary Belt
*****You automatically start with 15-20 Archon stacks when entering Archon form
*[[Stonesinger ]] has been removed from the You're not the Boss of Me achievement