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*Darksky Fire Demon
'''Act V'''
*Banished Firewing
*Demonic Hellflyer
'''In Alphabetical Order'''
==Banished Firewing==
*Appears in Act V - [[Path of War]]
*Physical melee attack
<mob>Banished Firewing</mob>
==Darksky Fire Demon==
*Appears in Act IV - [[Gardens of Hope1st Tier]] (2,3)[[Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier]]
*Physical melee attack
*Appears in Act III - [[The Barracks]] (1,2), [[Battlefield Stores]] (1,2), [[Fortified Bunker]] (1,2), [[The Foundry]], [[The Keep Depths]] (2), [[Skycrown Battlements]] and [[Stonefort]]
*Appears in Act V - [[Hideout of the Lost Legion]]
*Physical melee attack and a slow long-ranged fireball which can be devastating when they're in large numbers and multiple fireballs are hitting you at the same time.