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Fanmade:Behind the Fiery Runes

2 bytes added, 23:02, 15 February 2009
Sketches and Concepts
With each new series, HK always drew his ideas out on paper to plan his next series. Same went for his nameplates especially when it came for the 3rd series nameplate.
He had such a crazy idea for that nameplate that he drew a rather large image to convey his idea, so he wouldn’t lose the very idea he planned for.
[Sketch of Series three nameplate]
Same went for the iPhone as well. This one was much easier to pen out since it was to be much smaller. HK wanted it to have the same feel as the 3rd series but wanted it to be more unique. So he penned it similar with the triangle side wings, and added the apple logo to give it that iPhone feel, and the rune circle to seal the deal.
[Sketch of the iPhone Nameplate]