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Pain Enhancer

5 bytes added, 15:58, 20 July 2014
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[[Pain Enhancer]]is a [[Legendary Gem]] findable only from [[Greater Rift Guardians]] in [[Reaper of Souls]].
Legendary gems can only be socketed in rings and amulets worn by a character (not by a Follower) and provide dramatic and powerful bonuses that are huge upgrades over any normal [[gems]] in the game.
* {{c_orange|Gain Blood Frenzy, granting you 2% increased Attack Speed <br>for each bleeding enemy within 20 yards.}}
{{c_gold|''Xiangyi, most beautiful of Xiansai master gem cutters, crafted <br>this gem in honor of a former lover. The angrier she got, the <br>faster she worked, and the gem was ready in no time. Only after<br> she had tested its efficacy was she finally satisfied.''}}