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Thing of the Deep

4 bytes added, 16:15, 7 July 2014
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==Thing of the Deep properties==
This item does not have a [[legendary affix]], but the inherent bonus to crit chance is very helpful, as hard as it can be to enchant that on a mojo. The main draw is the huge +20 yard bonus to [[Pickup Radius]]. That was a big bonus in D3v when items rolled with 5-7y pickup radius as a random property. In [[Loot 2.0]] items roll with 1-2y pickup radius, which makes this virtually the only way to get over 20y to that bonus, and it's very useful to Witch Doctors using [[Grave Injustice]] and/or [[Grim Gruesome Feast]].
* All stats listed in the database scale up to the level of this item when dropped.