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409 bytes added, 21:37, 11 June 2014
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[[File:Corruption-db.JPG|thumb|300px|Corruoption database description.]]
Corruption are crafted [[legendary shoulders]] that can only be created in Reaper of Souls. This item requires the [[Lyekurn's Diary]], one of the [[legendary materials]] for each one crafted. 
To create these, find the [[Plan: Corruption]], which can be randomly dropped randomly by any level 70 target, and teach the plan to the [[Blacksmith]].
* 7 [[Veiled Crystal]]
* 2 [[Forgotten Soul]]
* 1 [[Death's Breath]]
* 1 [[Lyekurn's Diary]]
Salvages into[[Patch 2.0.6]] controversially[http: * //] removed [[Legendary Materials]], which changed the crafting costs for every level 70 [[RoS]] recipe. Prior to that patch Board Walkers required 1 [[Lyekurn's Diary]], 1 [[Forgotten SoulDeath's Breath]], and 45 [[Veiled Crystal]]s.   ==Item Examples== Several examples of this item can be seen below. View more [ samples of Corruption]via DiabloNut's armory.
==Legendary Material==
The required legendary material, [[Lyekurn's Diary]] is one of the easier materials to find. It can be dropped only by Azmodan, the Act Boss of Act Three. Players can reach him quickly by moving to the stairs at the end of the Core of Arreat level, and he is found in the same location every game.
* {{c_gold|Fixed, Bounty}} -- [[Azmodan]], Act 3, end stairs from [[Core of Arreat]].
==Item Examples==
Several examples of this item can be seen below. View more [ samples of Corruption] via DiabloNut's armory.Legendary Material==
Legendary Materials were controversially[[Filehttp:Corruption//] removed in Patch 2.jpg0.6. The following is archived for posterity.{|center|thumb|800pxThe required legendary material, [[Lyekurn's Diary]]is one of the easier materials to find. It can be dropped only by Azmodan, the Act Boss of Act Three. Players can reach him quickly by moving to the stairs at the end of the Core of Arreat level, and he is found in the same location every game.
* {{c_gold|Fixed, Bounty}} -- [[Azmodan]], Act 3, end stairs from [[Core of Arreat]].
[[category:Legendary Armor]]
[[category:legendary Shoulders]]
[[category:crafted Items]]