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69 bytes added, 18:23, 4 February 2009
Community - Category:Community
*** [[:Category:BlizzCast]] - [[BlizzCast]]-related articles. (*)
** [[:Category:Fan-made]] - Articles and other content made by fans. Non-canon.
*** [[:Category:Fan art]] - Everything related to fan art.
**** [[:Category:Fan art images]] - Fan art images. (*)
*** [[:Category:Fan fiction]] - Everything related to fan fiction.
** [[:Category:Merchandise]] - All types of Diablo-related merchandise should go here.
** [[:Category:Speculation]] - Speculation about things involving the games.
** [[:Category:Fan art]] - Everything related to fan art.
*** [[:Category:Fan art images]] - Fan art images. (*)
** [[:Category:People]] - Articles with information about important figures in the Diablo Community.