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User talk:Holyknight3000

1,555 bytes added, 15:06, 4 February 2009
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  *poke* --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 15:14, 3 February 2009 (CET)
Starting new discussion thread here about it, felt more suited! =) It's a semi-reply to the post on my page, but since we're way off topic, I rather start anew!
Well, you are already on a quite long page, and besides adding actual ART, I think you should make separate articles for everything from this point on. I suggest [[Fanart:Behind the Fiery Runes]] that you put in [[:Category:Fan art]] and add it to a new category called [[:Category:Holyknight3000]] that you put in [[:Category:People]]. Also add [[Holyknight3000]] there, of course.
Another thing is the "updates" section. It's not very wiki-like, so I suggest you move that to your [[User:Holyknight3000|user page]], where it would fit better. Latest update is on the bottom of the page if people are interested.
The last thing is the "Forum Links" at the bottom. It's great with references and fitting external links, which they are, but I think you should add them to each piece of art instead. They take up space, and are hard to associate with correct artwork. Unless ofc they are your notes, in which case they are fine for now. =) Don't be afraid to add links to any other forums where there is interesting discussion as well. This is the wiki entry for Holyknight, and not some Diii-exclusive page. =) In both cases, you might want to limit yourself to the original Diii threadn, plus whatever other threads got any good response (like, more than 3-4 replies). Sorry if I burden you with all these requests =) --[[User:Leord|Leord]] 16:06, 4 February 2009 (CET)