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Realm of Pandemonium

152 bytes added, 04:32, 20 February 2014
cant believe i missed this one
'''Pandemonium''' is the realm that lies between the [[High Heavens]] and the [[Burning Hells]].
In diablo lore, it is the battleground of the [[Eternal Conflict]], where demons and angels fought since the beginning of their existence. [[Tyrael]] stated in an in-game quote that he spent 20 years after the destruction of the [[Worldstone]] reforming in the Realm of Pandemonium. In addition, the [[Pandemonium Fortress]] was built in Pandemonium over the [[Worldstone]] before it was stolen by [[Inarius]] to create [[Sanctuary]].
Pandemonium is the place where the second half of [[Act V]] in Diablo 3 takes place.