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Return of the Three
===Return of the Three===
However, some Some centuries later, after the taskless [[Horadrim]] brotherhood had all but disappeared, [[Mephisto]] managed to reach out to the local [[Zakarum]] priesthood in the now sprawling city of [[Kurast]] and draw them to him. He corrupted the priesthood, council and sent emissaries of Zakarum out into brought the world while he built lands under his power.
Whether or not Lord [[Leoric]], a very well known pious man, came from these expeditions or notis unknown. Regardless, he brought with him the Zakarum religion to [[Khanduras]] from the East, and made himself King with his seat of power in [[Tristram]], the very same location [[Diablo]] was still imprisoned. Diablo tried and to corrupt [[Leoric]]. The attempt failed, but broke his [[Leoric]]'s mind. However, his His Archbishop and advisor [[Lazarus]] was susceptible, and was made to free the Prime Evil, giving corrupted by Diablo. [[Lazarus]] gave him Leoric's only son [[Albrecht]] as a host to possess.
Many adventurers traveled down in the labyrinths beneath the Cathedral in search for fame and fortune, but all died or , fled, or went mad. One day came an unknown man (later confirmed to be [[Leoric]]'s son, [[Aidan]] did manage to reach the deepest parts of the labyrinth and find [[Diablo]] in a section that had already begun to corrupt into a likeness of Hell. The hero [[Aidan]] slew diablo and shoved the diablo's his soulstone into his own head.
[[Aidan]] tried to contain the demon within himself, to bring it to the Eastern [[mage clans]] for a final defeat. However, he could not resist the overwhelming influence of diablo and became the [[Dark Wanderer]].
===The Dark Wanderer===