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Remove commentation on the sections you need.<br><br>==Diablo III Monster==<div style="clear:both;"></div>{{Monsterbox|game= Diablo III|portrait= Mon-cultist-concept.jpg|portrait-width= 150px<!--|name= Monstername-->|classif= Animals|family= Cultist|role= Offensive [[Caster]] & Summoner|life= Unknown|mana= Unknown|armor= Unknown|resist= Unknown|armament= Wand|dps= Unknown|dmg_low= Unknown|dmg_high= Unknown|range= [[Melee]]|speed= Unknown|movement= Medium|modifier= None|spells= Firebolt (Norm/Night/Hell?)<br>Summon [[Dark Demon]] (Norm/Night/Hell?)|found= [[Tristram Cathedral]]<br>[[Forgotten Tombs]]}}[[Image:Mon-dark-cultist1.jpg|framethumb|left|]]'''Dark Cultists''' are [[Animals]]. This monster type is likely called a "Cultist," and "Dark" is a prefix denoting their particular type, but this is not yet confirmed.
Cultists are human mages who spawn with [[Berserker]]s. Cultists are very weak, but they can shoot fireball projectiles and summon powerful [[Dark Demon]]s, so it's wise to bypass the hulking Berserkers to kill the Cultists as quickly as possible.
Cultists can be recognized from [[Dark Vessel]]s by their lack of a staff. Vessels have a long staff which curls at the end, on which they lean while summoning up the demons by which they are possessed.
The cultists also have a weak attack of their own, but it's unknown if they can summon more powerful beings to the [[physical realm]].
==Lore=Spells and Abilities===The backstory behind the cultists is described by * Firebolt* Summon [[Abd al-Hazir]] in his [[Writings_of_Abd_al-Hazir:_Entry_no._0042|42nd (and last) entryDark Demon]]. An excerpt:
<!--===Known Subtypes===Use on a a "family" monster article, or a "sub-family" monster article.* Can be used in "Goatman" or the like* Can be used in "Goatman Shaman" or the like* Use for things like clan/colouring of same type of enemy* Example: Moon Clan, Blood Clan, Death Clan--> <!--===Related Monsters===List any monster that has a relevance, such as other goatmen, or Grotesque/Lamprey.--> <!--===Famous Monsters===List any "character" monster, such as King Leoric for skeletons and the Butcher for Overlords.--> ==Background==There is not terribly much known about these worshippers of demonic powers. [[Abd al-Hazir]] came across them on his travels in the [[Western Kindgoms]], and he mad an entry on his meeting with the cultists in his [[Writings_of_Abd_al-Hazir:_Entry_no._0042|42nd entry]] of the [[Writings of Abd al-Hazir]], and which mysteriously also became his last. He describes in detail the early stages of the ritual to make a human into a [[Dark Vessel]], where "[[Teeth of Diablo]]" are nailed into the back of a willing cultist. Here is an excerpt: :''That was when I first saw them, the dark cultists, arrayed in a circle. Their torches lit the macabre proceedings in a pallid light that danced over their garish rune-covered robes. I had heard tales of these hooded cultists and their depraved rituals, and I must admit to some curiosity upon seeing them. As their chanting droned on, I thought to make my escape lest they see me, but my attention was riveted by a pale, vacant-eyed supplicant being led forward. I do not know if he was of limited mental capacity, lost in religious mania, or simply drugged, but he was definitely not sound of mind as he knelt in the center of the thrumming circle.'' :''The chanting stilled as the leader, face shadowed by a heavily gilded hood, stepped forward and began to intone a ritual in some indecipherable tongue. A large, thickly muscled and leather-masked cultist draped a black, eyeless hood over the victim's head before pulling a foot-long spike from his sash. My mind searched for any possible use for this cursed nail when I noticed the immense stygian hammer grasped in his other hand. With one swift motion, he raised it above his head and drove the spike into the supplicant's back with fierce intensity. I almost screamed... but the victim made no sound.'' :''As another spike was readied, I knew I could watch no more. I trembled with the thought of those nails being driven into me should I be caught. I averted my gaze as I heard the revolting squish of another spike sunk into willing flesh. My eyes fell on the robe of the lead cultist. The intricate runes woven into his robe undulated and swirled in sickening movement. As I watched, horrified, I could feel my sanity crumbling away. I began to back away from the wicked tableau, forcing myself to move slowly while my mind screamed for me to flee with abandon. When I could contain myself no longer, I broke into a full run, not caring what sound I made. I ran until I collapsed. And then, as soon as I was able, I staggered to my feet and ran some more.'' <!--==Diablo I Monster==Add this section if you need to discuss Diablo I game monsters of the same name/type.--> <!--==Diablo II Monster==Add this section if you need to discuss Diablo II game monsters of the same name/type.--> ==Development==The Dark Cultists were one of the first monsters to be shown to Diablo enthusiasts at [[WWI 2008]] Paris, during the [[gameplay video]]. <!--==Trivia==Fun facts. If you add a trivia fact, also add the it to the Category:Trivia.-->
You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery:* [http://www.diii.net/gallery/ Diablo 3 screenshots and pictures]* [http://www.diii.net/gallery/showgallery.php?si=cultist&x=0&y=0&limit=See Cultist concept art and screenshotsgallery search] in the Image Gallery.