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Paragon 2.0

107 bytes added, 09:07, 15 September 2013
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Paragon 2.0 refers to a redesign of the [[Paragon ]] system, due sometime in 2014, shortly before the release of the Diablo 3 [[Reaper of Souls]] expansion pack. The system is still under development, but many details have been revealed since the system was first explained in detail at Gamescom 2013. * See the [[Paragon]] article for full details about the current system, added to D3C in [[Patch 1.0.5]].  ==Paragon 2.0==
Paragon 2.0 will still work as an [[end game]] feature, providing players with a way to continue earning levels and experience even once their characters have reached max level. There are several major changes to the system:
* All experience earned by max level characters will count towards an account-wide Paragon level. This level, rather than the individual character levels, will award [[paragon points]] that can be spent on '''''all''''' characters; not just the specific character who earned the experience.
** The Paragon levels earned and points awarded to Hardcore and Softcore characters are tracked separately. Since Paragon levels are for the account wide, the experience gained by Hardcore characters remains players will not lose Paragon levels or points even after the if/when their individual characters die.
* Paragon points allow for a great deal of character customization, with specific bonuses that can be assigned to things like [[attributes]], offensive stats including [[CC]], [[CD]], and [[AS]], defensive stats like blocking %, and general properties like [[Faster Movement]] and [[Pickup Radius]].
* There is no maximum paragon level (though the individual bonuses may have varying hard caps).* The Paragon levels experience earned by all existing characters will be added into the system when it goes live.
** Characters at Paragon 100 do not earn experience currently, so any play time with them prior to Paragon 2.0 is "wasted" in terms of exp gain.
** Exp earned by all Hardcore characters who die before on an account, dead or alive, will probably be added into the Paragon level when Paragon 2.0 goes live will probably not be counted.
Full details have not yet been finalized for Many questions remain, and the system, and many questions remain. How much experience is required for paragon levelsstill under development, how many points are awarded per level, if there are individual character bonuses as well but the basic functions have been confirmed by Blizzard as account bonuses, etcessentially set in stone.
* [[Utility tab]]: [[Movement Speed]] and [[Pickup Radius]] confirmed. Others? ([[Magic Find]], [[Gold Find]], [[Experience]]?)
The amount of bonus granted by each paragon point is still under development, but as of Gamescom 2013 each point in a Core attribute granted 5 points to that attribute, with a max hard cap of 50 points per Attribute. The bonuses in the Attack tab were a bit more varied, and also hard capped:
* [[Attack Speed]]: +.20% per point, 50 point hard cap. (Maximum of +10% IAS boost.)
One obvious objection to the Sharagon system is that eventually players will need a great deal of experience to advance another Paragon level, and this would lead to a very static feeling. Many players have suggested some sort of individual character level system along with the account wide Paragon 2.0 system, but Blizzard hasn't said anything on that front. Their solution to the problem seems to be a ladder season system, which will periodically reset paragon levels for players who wish to opt in.
Details are not yet finalized, but the design seems to be that a player with say, 134 Paragon levels on their account could choose to create new characters in the new ladderseason, and those characters would not have access to the pre-existing account Paragon points. Those characters would thus start out at Paragon Level 0, and gain Paragon points rapidly with levelsas they leveled up, giving players a feeling of accomplishment and progress. Ladders would run for an unknown amount of time (probably for a few months) and at when each ladder season ended the end of that time all Paragon level experience earned ladder characters and their paragon points would be returned and added to the general non-ladder Paragon level experience. Thus players would not lose any of their experience or progress for non-ladder characterspopulation.
Ladders would presumably work as they do in Diablo 2 in terms of giving players a fresh economy, with non-ladder items not transferring over to new characters in the new ladder. Then, when the ladder season ends all the experience and items become non-ladder again and merge together. Andrew Day commented on the ladder system in early September, 2013.[]