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1,156 bytes added, 01:16, 11 September 2013
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Transmog is a system coming to Diablo 3 in the expansion [[Reaper of Souls]]. It's taken directly from [ the popular system of the same name] in World of Warcraft, and enables characters to change the appearance (but not the function) of their gear. The [[Mystic]] NPC Artisan is the place to go to get some transmog on in D3X.
Full details have not yet been revealedTransmog will function entirely via the Mystic NPC, but characters should and it will work much like the Jeweler and Blacksmith work; some recipes (for different transmog looks) will be able to look as though they are wearing a different enabled by [[gear settraining]] for variety of appearance. There the Mystic to higher levels, and other transmog looks will also be special enabled by other means. Details have not yet been released, but Blizzard has hinted that new looks to might be unlocked via unstated means, likely including Mystic training. Other special looks may be tied to achievements or legendary finding itemsin the game, or may be unlocked via other by in-game meansaccomplishments (possibly tied to [[Achievements]], or by finding Transmog plans to teach the Mystic new recipes. There might even as be special rewards for things like game orders, limited-edition transmog appearances given away in contests, in Blizzcon goodie bag prizesbags, and moreetc.
* More details on Transmog are expected at Blizzcon 2013.
==Blizzard Comments on Transmog==
Transmog was mentioned briefly in a number of interviews from Gamescom 2013, but details were very sparse. In early September 2013 more details came from a forum post by CM [[Grimiku]].[]
<blue><font color="#FFFFFF">Are we gonna need the gear we want our current gear to look like in our stash or there will be a void storage? or is there going to be a full list of all items you have acquired at least once, even if you dont have it anymore that you can choose from?</font><br>
Grimiku: We know inventory space is precious, so you won’t be required to keep the “visual” item in order to use it’s appearance. Instead, you’ll unlock the item’s appearance across all Normal (or Hardcore) characters on the account once you’ve picked it up. Any item appearance that’s been unlocked will be stored in the transmogrification UI. </blue>