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Gold Find

4 bytes removed, 14:32, 9 July 2013
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Gold Find does not affect the amount of gold rewarded by [[Quests]], and it does not affect NPC buy/sell prices, or Auction House prices.
Like [[Magic Find]] (MF), Gold Find is capped at a maximum value of 300% from items and [[Paragon]] levels (post [[Patch 1.0.4]]). The 300% hard cap can be exceeded by adding bonuses from [[Nephalem Valor]], [[Monster Power]], the [[Fortune Shrine]], and other players in [[Multiplayer]] games, for a maximum possible value of 680% Gold Find (as of [[Patch 1.90.8]]).
* 25% Ring
* 25% Ring
** 65% from both rings is possible with both rings in the [[Legacy of the Wicked Dreams]] set, since there is a +15% MF/GF set bonus.
* 53% Helm (20% + 33% Marquise [[Emerald]] in socket)
* 25% Shoulders
* 50% Amulet
* 25% Ring
* 25% Ring. (Followers can not receive set bonuses, so the [[The Legacy of Wicked Dreams]] +15% bonus is irrelevant.)
* 25% Shield (Templar only)
* 45% Weapon. [[The Grand Vizier]] (Enchantress only.)