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[[Nightmarish]] is a [[Boss Modifier]] found on Champions, Bosses, and their minions in Diablo III. When a boss with this ability hits your hero or pet, there is a percent chance that that target will be inflicted with the [[Horrify]] effect and will turn and run away from the inflicting monster.
The only way to avoid the Nightmarish effect is not to get hit by bosses with that property. This can be tricky, though various defensive skills can negate or counter the fear effect. It was much more vexing shortly after release when the effect could be repeatedly inflicted; ranged attackers were especially difficult as melee characters could keep getting feared while trying to close into range.
The Nightmarish effect is marked by a small screaming skull over the target's head, exactly as inflicted by the Witch Doctor's [[Horrify]] skill. There is no visual indication on the boss that they have the ability, other than in their [[tooltip ]] hover text.