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4 bytes removed, 01:51, 22 December 2008
====[[Fallen Shaman]]====
[[Image:Mon-fallen-shaman-bashiok.gif|left|100px]][[Fallen Shaman]]s return in Diablo III, but none have yet been seen in screenshots. We only know of them thanks to this animated gif, which [[Blizzard]]'s D3 Community Manager, [[Bashiok]], had in as his forum signatureavatar. [[Fallen]] were in D1 and took on an expanded role with new AI, shamans, and grouping habits in D2 ({{iw|Fallen Diablo 2 Fallen}}). How they'll progress in D3 remains to be seen, but everyone seems to like this monster type, so their return is a popular one.<div style="clear:both;"></div> 
====[[Ghostly Orb]]====