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Old Tristram Road

310 bytes added, 17:11, 9 January 2013
no edit summary
The '''Old Tristram Road''' is located within [[Act I]]. It's a long winding road that connects and runs through [[Tristram]], [[The Old Ruins]] and then up to the [[Cathedral]].
==Areas and Dungeons within the Old Tristram Road{{PAGENAME}}==
* [[Adria's Hut]]
* [[Overlook Road]]
==Questsin {{PAGENAME}}==*[[??]]==Events in {{PAGENAME}}==*[[??]]
==Common Monstersfound in {{PAGENAME}}== 
* [[Risen]]
* [[Walking Corpse]]
* [[Quill Fiend]]
 <!--==Special Monstersfound in {{PAGENAME}}==
{{Template:Special Monsters}}
 * None known.-->
==Lore EntriesFound in {{PAGENAME}}==
* [[Traveller's Journal]]
Quotes said by classes or followers in this zone.
*[[Barbarian]]: ''"Another poor soul..."''
*[[Demon Hunter]]: ''"So many dead..."''
*[[Scoundrel]]: ''"Time for a little romp through the ruins, eh?"''
*[[Templar]]: ''"Well, this is a dismal sight..."''
==Associated Achievements==
{{Template:Associated Achievement}}
{{achievement header}}<achievement type="single">???A Nice Place To Visit</achievement><!-