→Part Five - Q&A with Dustin Browder, Lead Designer of Starcraft 2
'''Bashiok:''' In the next part of the Q&A we have our Starcraft 2 Lead Designer Dustin Browder here to help us answer some questions from the community. Welcome back Dustin!
'''Dustin Browder:''' Thanks.
'''Bashiok:''' The first question is from Zoltrix at starcrafttwo.com. Can you tell us about the evolution system for the different units? Like how will this be used for upgrading different units like the Hydralisk and the Zergling and what specific upgrades it will bring to these units?
'''Dustin Browder:''' We’re still working obviously on the whole upgrade system and trying to make sure it’s as good as it can possibly be for Starcraft 2. For the mutation, for morphing one unit to another unit for the Zerg in particular, we’ve been working on obviously – you’ve seen a lot of these guys already – we’ve been working on the baneling, we’ve been working on the lurker, we’ve been working on the swarm guardian. This is an old mechanic from the original Starcraft that we’re carrying forward into Starcraft 2 and we’re going to try to keep adding to. We think it’s a really interesting way for the Zerg race to deal with their army, they can sort of look at their own army as a resource. You look at your zergling and that zergling could ultimately run up to that marine and kill him or that zergling might want to morph into a baneling and then roll up and kill a whole bunch of marines all at one go. So you got to kind of choose how you want to use these units and they are very different units. When you morph a hydralisk into a lurker you get a completely different unit or you’re morphing a mutilisk into a swarm guardian it fundamentally changes the role of the units so it really allows the Zerg player to a limited extent sort of customize their forces on the battlefield. They morph their overlord into an overseer, it really changes the kinds of things that unit can do on the battlefield.
And the hydralisk has a similar kind of role in that sense, obviously the hydra can shoot air, he is also a lot softer than a marauder but the hydra has some very powerful abilities to deal with some of these heavily armored threats that are very low down in the tech tree. Units like the thor, the mothership and the colossus all have their roles and we see them in games probably about a half or a third of the games that we see will actually see these units even come into play. And when they come into play they can be extremely dangerous of course but there’s a lot of counters already in play and the marauder is just one of the choices you have when dealing with an enemy unit like the thor. You can also obviously bring in mass siege tanks, even mass marines ultimately can be very effective against a small groups of thors because the thor is just not doing enough splash, he can absolutely obliterate a marine in a couple shots but there are simply too many marines at that point in the game sometimes for a thor to tear them all down so we’re really not worried at this point of these end-game units sort of eclipsing the core gameplay experience. They’re definitely finding their place, they definitely have their uses but they are definitely something you can counter and the marauder is part of that counter list but it’s not really the reason the marauder exists. The marauder really exists for stalkers, immortals, and roaches. Threats like this that are massable, can be fast but they’re heavily armored, they are something that a marine has trouble dealing with.
'''Bashiok:''' Very nice, thanks for the information Dustin.
'''Dustin Browder:''' Alright, thank you.