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Lucious the Depraved

586 bytes removed, 23:48, 11 December 2012
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==Farming Lucious the Depraved==
#From the Quest Selection screen take quest 4. [[Reign of the Black King]] > The Royal Crypts.<br>#Take the Waypoint from Tristram to the [[Cemetery of the Forsaken]]<br>#The small cemetery is quick to scout and a [[Checkpoint]] is reached if you approach the southern gate into [[The Weeping Hollow]] enabling you to farm the cemetery again by leaving the game, Resuming and re-appearing at the Checkpoint spot. Rinse and repeat.<br>'''Special Notes{{Template:''' *Be sure to check up the stairs right up to the entrance ways to the 3 [[Defiled Crypts]].*He is involved in another achievement too, [[Never Seen that Before]].<br> Farming:lucious_the_depraved}}