'''[[Blizzcast_Episode_2| Episode Two was - broadcast on 22nd February 2008''']]
'''[[Blizzcast_Episode_1| Episode One was - broadcast on 10th January 2008''']]
no edit summary
Karune (Kevin Yu), the RTS Community Manager interviews [[Chris Metzen]] Vice President of Creative Development. Nethaera of the World of Warcraft Community Team interviews [[Geoff Goodman]] a designer on World of Warcraft. Finally, a Q&A with Andy Chambers, Writer for Starcraft and [[Tom Chilton]], Lead Designer on WoW.
Karune (Kevin Yu) RTS Community Manager interviews [[Sam Didier]] (Samwise) Blizzard's Art Director and Drysc from the World of Warcraft Community Team interviewes Lead Designer of WoW [[Jeff Kaplan]] on patch 2.4.