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Black Mushroom

1 byte added, 00:15, 11 November 2012
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The '''Black Mushroom''' is a reagent for the [[Staff of Herding]] which grants you access to the secret level [[WhimseyshireWhimsyshire]].
This item is found in the [[Cathedral Level 1]] in Act I. It doesn't always spawn but if you want to farm for it at the '''Select Quest''' menu take [[A Shattered Crown]] quest option. This will put you in Tristram. Take the [[Waypoint]] to the [[Cathedral Garden]] and take the nearby entrance to [[Leoric's Passage]] and from there up the stairs to [[Cathedral Level 1]]. Simply explore that level, rinse and repeat.
===Other ReagentsNeeded===
Players must assemble The other reagents required along with the five ingredients and the Staff of Herding plan to enter the level.Black Mushroom are:
* [[Leoric's Shinbone]] ({{wl|[ db]}})-- Found rarely in the fireplace in [[Leoric's Manor]], in late Act One.
[[Category:Easter Eggs]]