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Critical hit

No change in size, 09:39, 23 November 2008
Critical Deaths
===Critical Deaths===
[[Image:Critical-hit2.jpg|frame|Cold critical hit, with highlighted gore..]]
Monsters that die to a critical hit get a special "critical death" animation, which is extra gory. A few examples can be seen in screenshots on this page. The monsters literally explode, leaving chunks of themselves scattered across the ground. These animations are customized for whatever type of damage killed them; the chunks have flames licking across them from fire damage, sparks and arcs from lightning, etc. Physical damage critical deaths tend to leave huge slicks of blood, and give a battlefield a lovely post-massacre patina.
[[Image:Critical-hit2.jpg|frame|Cold critical hit, with highlighted gore..]]
These were demonstrated during a panel at Blizzcon 2008, an excerpt from which [ can be seen here].