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Anthony Rivero

713 bytes added, 11:09, 20 November 2008
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'''Anthony Rivero''' is the Senior Character Artist on the [[Diablo III]] development, and he has been with Blizzard since they developed [[Diablo II]].

Notable concept/modelling accomplishments:

'''[[Diablo II]]'''
* {{iw|Giant_Mosquito Giant Mosquito}}
* {{iw|Tentacle_Beast Tentacle Beast}}
* {{iw|Mephisto Mephisto}}

'''[[Diablo II: Lord of Destruction]]'''
* [[Druid]]
* {{iw|Death_Mauler Death Mauler}}

'''[[Diablo III]]
* [[Witch Doctor]]
* [[Scavenger]]
* [[Grotesque]]/[[Corpulent]]
* [[Goatman Shaman]]
* [[Goatman]]
* [[Malformed]]

* [ BlizzCast 6 Anthony Rivero Interview]

[[Category:D3 Team]]